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December 21, 2011

Electromagnetic Drag Units - Alternative Energy for Alternative Worlds Considered

Okay so, the use of fossil fuels on the moon may not be a very wise choice to drive around moon buggies, or power up space colonies. Now there may be ways to get hydrogen, or previously locked in natural gas, or even coal gasification on the moon, I am not at liberty to know these facts yet. Nevertheless, it probably makes sense to use more renewables for a lunar colony than it does to use fossil fuels. Now then, let's talk about this for a second.

Since there is no real air pressure on the moon wind generators may not work all that well. Without the atmosphere solar panels might work okay, but then again they may not work as well as we might have hoped. Also, putting up solar panels on the dark side of the moon might not be that great as there are long periods of time between times of direct sunlight. Now then, I have a concept that I'd like to run by you, it's called an Electromagnetic Drag Unit.

How this might work is that a tower could be erected perhaps 50 meters high, and an Entergy-Tail could be extended made a very light carbon nano-tube composite, thus, the ability to float horizontally to the moon's surface. Or, perhaps there could be two towers with several of these drag units strung between each other. This would help collect electromagnetic energy, which could then power up the space colony. Since the moon would be constantly moving, the energy would always be there, and although it wouldn't be necessarily free energy, one could consider it to be the next best thing. And, yes, it would be completely renewable, and non-ending.

That would sure beat solar and wind, or other alternative energy exploits. It would also be easy to erect, somewhat easy to maintain, and it wouldn't really require much else. This of course would not work on a planet with a thick atmosphere, but we do know it works on tethered satellites, and there was an experiment done with the space shuttle using a similar concept with an Electromagnetic Drag Tail, or Entergy-Tail. If mankind is going to move to other planets, and put colonies on moons of other planets, we need to be thinking here.

Perhaps you might have other alternative energy ideas to contemplate, and maybe you might be the next Tesla to come up with an invention to help power up the future of mankind. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on the future of Space Colonies. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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