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December 12, 2011

The Mayan 2012 Prophecy - The Poles Shifting and the Sun Raining Down Doom Upon Us!

Does the Mayan 2012 Prophecy in conjunction with the Mayan Calendar, warn us of impending planetary doom on December 21, 2012? Beyond the myths and prophecies there are 'scientific' arguments and opinions that we seem to be on the verge of going through dramatic global changes.

Two of the more common ideas of what we are about to experience a pole shift or be hit by a massive solar storm or both.

Evidence of a pole shift is all around us!

The news has been littered with stories of birds and fish dying in mass numbers without explanation. Birds and fish are extremely sensitive to the Earth's magnetic field and its orientation orientation. The Earth may be about to go through one of its periodic N-S magnetic pole reversals. This has happened before and the last reversal happened about 780,000 years ago.

Is the Mayan 2012 prophecy predicting solar storms could destroy technology? During the years that the poles are going through this reversal process they will be weakened and the Earth will be bombarded with dangerous blasts of plasma (charged particles) that are generated by sun spots. These run in predictable cycles. The next 11-year Solar Max is set to occur in late 2012.

The last really big solar max hit in the fall of 1859. At that time technology was not advanced, but there was enough energy hitting the Earth that telegraph lines sparked and worked even when unplugged. Some telegraph operators were even shocked while sitting at their machines. Imagine if that was today!

This solar max is predicted to be very strong and if it hits while our magnetic field is weak, it will end modern civilization as we know it! Unprotected from these charged particles, our electronics and global electrical grid systems will overload and short out. It will take decades to bring the electrical grid back up after the damage that could be done in a single day.

Are you prepared to live without electricity for several years?

Do you have a secure source of water and food stocked up? If this scenario happens, hundred of millions will starve and die, particularly in the developed world where we depend on technology and electricity to communicate and survive. Primitive rural villages in isolated places like Africa will, most likely be only slightly impacted by this event.

Stop for a moment just how quickly our modern civilization would come apart if all the cars and trucks didn't work. There would be no phones, water, or TV. Communication across the globe would cease. Could we as a race survive it? Probably, but it won't be pretty!

What else might happen in 2012?

The other thought of what might happen is the return of aliens in 2012. In fact there are several myths relating to this and the Mayan 2012 prophecy predicts that the alien God Quetzalcoatl will return at the end of this cycle.

My advice is to learn all you can about what may happen and be prepared for 2012 apocalypse. Being informed and prepared is the best defense against whatever may happen!

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