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December 16, 2011

Will Sports in Space Over Tax Life Support Systems?

Anyone who has ever played high impact sports, or worked-out in a gym where such sports are being done realizes that humans during these periods of high physical output do a lot of sweating, and a lot of breathing. Therefore, if humans are to engage in sports in space colonies and space habitats they may inadvertently overtax the life-support systems. They will be burning a lot of calories, therefore they will you need to eat more food, and they will get dehydrated and therefore need to drink more water. Okay so, let's talk about this for a second shall we?

You see, everything is scarce from the get-go in a space colony. The food must be grown, with limited resources. Everything must be recycled and things like water, oxygen, and everything else that is required to support life comes at a premium. For those who have to work out and train for their skills and talents to compete in sports - they will be using up more energy and resources than everyone else. This will put the space habitat and colony at a disadvantage. Does this mean that space colonists should not participate in sports?

Not necessarily, because sports are good for the human body, and so is working out. The only problem is that it will put severe strain on the systems. Now some folks who have been busy designing space colonies say that they will be using nuclear power, and therefore there will be an abundance of energy to convert other compounds found on the moon, or another planet into oxygen, or assimilate various molecules to create the things that we need such as water.

This means there will not be a problem growing the food, or powering-up the facilities and life-support systems. In that case this might be a moot point, but who is to say we will be able to use nuclear power in these space habitats, space colonies, or even orbiting space hotels? We may or may not, and therefore we need to ask the question if sports and space will put too much strain on the life-support systems, before we go around and promise people that they will be able to participate in sports if they sign-up to join a space colony, or live off world.

Indeed I hope you will please consider all these thoughts, and perhaps come up with solutions so that humans can participate in their favorite sports no matter where they go in our galaxy.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Sports in Space. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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