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December 22, 2011

Don't Postpone Your Dreams

Do you really know what your wishes are? I mean your true wishes? Those dreams that you wish with all your heart would come true?

If you don't know what your true dreams are, then it is time to find out. In case you are aware of your wishes, it is time to take action NOW. Never postpone fulfilling your dreams!


Since 2003, I have wished to visit Japan; however, I haven't gone yet. And now I don't dare to go anymore because of health issues. It wasn't possible to predict that there would be a day when circumstances wouldn't allow me to go there anymore. Why haven't I gone to Japan before?


In 2005, I was in Verona for the first time and watched two operas in the Arena di Verona. Since then, I have dreamed of going there again; however, I haven't gone yet. Every year, there is a reason to postpone my dream. Verona isn't that far. I can go there next year, I tell myself. But next year never becomes the present.

Take your chances

These are just small examples of how you can miss fulfilling your dreams. Things can become worse: An important person dies or becomes sick, circumstances change dramatically and make your dream impossible, you miss great opportunities, and then you don't have a chance anymore. You won't get your chances back. You can't reverse time.

Looking back from the end

Imagine the last days of your life. You look back at your decisions, and at what you have done with and in your life. What are the things that you enjoyed most? What dreams did you have, and did you make them come true? Did you follow your own path, or did you live your life according to someone else's opinion of what you should do with your life? You will be your own judge!

Do it now!

You need to find out what your heart's wishes are. Then you realize your wishes. What or who can keep you from getting what you want? There is nothing to lose. Take your first step now. Don't postpone your dreams. Nobody can take away what you have already experienced.

Carpe diem! Seize the day!

Andrea Brigitte Klee
Author and Speaker
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Twitter: andreaklee
Facebook: Andrea Brigitte Klee

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