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December 20, 2011

False Shadows for UAVs Needed to Incite Fear in Terrorists

The other day, our think tank was discussing the need for future innovations in weapons technologies for the US military in their fight and war against terrorists. Indeed, I've always been of the impression that if the terrorists choose to terrorize the first world nations, and civilizations which believe in freedom, liberty, and democracy - then perhaps, we ought to be turning the tables upon them. Let me explain my thinking here.

Am I proposing that we terrorize the terrorists? Yes, that's exactly what I'm proposing, and apparently our UAVs or unmanned aerial vehicles and drones have been terrorizing Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and other radical elements that wish to do us harm. It seems that many species are quite fearful of what comes from the sky. If you look at small rodents, they are constantly looking up to make sure a Hawk, or bird of prey is not ready to swoop down and grab them.

Now then, I imagine our prehistoric ancestors would've been looking up in the sky to make sure that a pterodactyl wouldn't grab their children for lunch. In fact, I just bet that seeing the shadow of such a large bird or pterodactyl would have sent their heart rate soaring. Okay so, why can't we create false shadows of UAVs which would go up and down the streets in areas where Al Qaeda or the Taliban are known to congregate. If we did this they would stay inside and be afraid to come out, for fear that a hellfire missile might soon be raining down on them.

Is there a way that we can use a satellite to cast a false shadow on the ground in the shape of a UAV? It seems these days that we have made great progress in light sciences. We seem to be able to bend light, send information at the speed of light or even faster, and play with photons, and do all sorts of spectral imaging or create holographic images. So why not cast a black light or shadow upon the land? Why not use this to terrorize the very people who wish to attack civilians and kill innocent people as soft targets to make a statement, and use terrorism to serve their political will?

Would we be just as bad as the terrorists if we began to terrorize them? Well, we will must remember that sometimes you must fight fire with fire, and perhaps make the terrorists afraid of their own shadows, or the ones we project for them. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Weapons Technologies. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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