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December 4, 2011

In Pursuit of Happiness - Conversations Between an Eight Year Old and His Father

Son: Papa, What do you want me to be when I grow up?

Father: Son, I want you to be happy.

Son: No Papa, I mean - do you want me to be an engineer? Doctor? Scientist? Inventor? Pilot? That is what I am asking you.

Father: It does not matter what job you want to do, I want you to be happy.

Son: Papa, you are not answering me correctly. I do not want you to tell me - I want you to be happy. I want you to tell me, like Engineer? Doctor?

Father: Son, I really mean it, I want you to be happy - I don't care what job you want to do.

The Father notices a confusion on his son's face. He hopes that one day his beloved son would understand what he is saying to him.

I had the above conversation with my son recently. It opened up my eyes to another possibility: It could have been me, at my age (41 now!), talking with my father!

The same conversation would hold true even then, excepting few minor details......

Me: Papa, what do you want me to be when I am 50 years?

My Father: Son, I want you to be happy.

Me: No Papa. I want to ask you - do you want to see me as a CEO of a company? A famous doctor in town? An inventor who has 20 patents to my credit? A successful entrepreneur with tons of money in the bank account?

My Father: It does not matter to me what you do in life, I want you to be happy, that's it.

Me: No Papa, you are not answering me correctly. I want to figure out where I want to put my energies into - and become successful.

My Father: Son, I really mean it, I want you to be happy - I don't care what job you want to do, how much money you have in the bank account or how popular you are in the society. I just want you to be happy.

My father notices the same confusion on my face and wondering, "Hey!, I tried to tell this guy what truly matters since he has been eight years... and he still does not seem to grasp it!"

Age does not matter. Irrespective of our age, I think we don't truly realize, what we want.

We all wish to be happy. All our well wishers care for us to be happy. Period.

Nothing else. But we hardly are able to recognize that wish.

I think that is the one ideal worth living for. Not titles, not money, not fame, not power...

How does it matter what we are doing?

How does it matter, how much money we are earning?

How does it matter what status we have in the society as long as we are happy?

Would love to hear your thoughts,

My name is Rajesh and I head sales & marketing for a telecom software company. I live in Bangalore, India, with my wife and two children. You can reach me at my email rajesh dot sengamedu at gmail dot com.

I write about my readings, learning, practices, experiences & share insights into how can harness our potential and achieve results we want. Share insights into how to channelize the universal energy that is available 'for free' to each one of us. Share insights on how to rewire ourselves and become happy, peaceful, blissful all through, irrespective of the situations /circumstances we are in.

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