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December 11, 2011

VoIP Phone VS Analogue Phone - Which One to Prefer?

Better and quick communication is a hallmark of the modern globalized world. Hence, due to every hour changing technologies, we are able to communicate with our fellows and friends at any corner of the world. VoIP and Analogue phones are among the main communication tools that are extensively utilized. However, every one of them has a relative competitive edge over the other on the basis of their respective usage, pricing, technology employed and velocity of individual access to it.

VoIP stands for voice over internet protocol, which allows you to make calls without any connection or reliance on traditional cell phones or landline networks. As an alternative option, you employ internet and computer for making those calls. The VoIP methodology is very helpful and advantageous, if you are to make long distance calls. Particularly, if you look at this option in terms of price, these calls are either free or very inexpensive. You can receive your voice mails in the shape of email, and then reach out the user number.

On the other hand, unlike digital VoIP phones, the landlines networks work on the analogue system and are very much different. Here, I am discussing the differences between a VoIP phone and a traditional analogue phone. Analogue technology is older than the rest and the simple phones that we use in our homes and offices are also analogue one. However, due to the technological advancement and change, the calls making process has been converted into digital one as today most of the cellular operators work on fiber optic networks.

In this way, even though you make a call even by an analogue phone, still you are making a digital communication because it goes through conversion process before getting connected to the other hand. A great network of unified switches remains operational to ensure the steady flow of voice and communication. Due to the greater deficiencies of circuit switching system, there is always problem with the voice transmission system, so it is not a preferred system in today's developed world for better and quality voice communications.

Comparatively, the VoIP system works with an IP network that uses data pack switching system which is comparatively efficient and ensures quality communication. Moreover, unlike the analogue one, the VoIP phones are able to share the networks with any connection simultaneously. So, it can receive more than one call on the network at the same time, which is a bit difficult with an old analogue system. Hence, due to the greater efficiency, VoIP suits consumer and corporate market alike.

They are not only very inexpensive but free in many cases as compared to other options. A very good example of this is Skype, which offers a great option of free calls to anyone who is on Skype. However, always bear in mind that VoIP phones work only when you have electricity at your home, but when there is sort of blackout, you may not be able to use VoIP option. Hence, you should make your choice after taking a calculated analysis of your needs, requirements, budget and social life.

Tahir Akbar is a content writer, researcher and business consultant. He regularly blogs on various business and management related topics. You can read his latest posts & also know much about him by visiting following links.

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