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December 5, 2011

Working On Purpose

Have you ever heard the saying, "A little hard work never hurts anyone?" Yes, I have heard that and yes, I do believe that. I also believe if you are going to work hard at least work on something that will help fulfill your life's purpose.

Living a life apart from purpose is like living life without meaning. Who wants to walk aimless in this world not knowing what to do next in life? It's time to take center stage in life, square your shoulders and live! Yes, live it at its best. You have missed your curtain call long enough.

Are you someone who has been procrastinating? Having many projects, but not achieving much of anything? On the other hand you might be wearing yourself out by working extremely hard, but still not able to accomplish your life long purpose.

Well, if so you might be lacking vision and a plan for your life. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were really on track with your life. What would your life look like?

Your heart is a great indicator to follow when searching for purpose. A life that does not involve ones heart is considered empty. There are so many empty people walking around today because their aim is to please others. If you care more about how others feel about you than yourself please stop, and get a grip. Your heart is like a magnet it draws you to where you need to be.

These days everyone is so excited just to have a job based on the economy, but I can almost guarantee you that your heart does not care about the economy. It is still crying out to work purpose in the midst of the recession. Whenever you are not working your purpose, the heart will always try pulling you towards it. A strong indicator that you are off track is waking up feeling unsettled, leaving for work traveling in one direction but the heart is pulling you in another.

Yes, I feel you, someone is saying; "this is how I feel each day." My suggestion to you is to start with small baby steps towards your destiny by listening to what your heart is most passionate about.

You don't have to make any sudden moves, but at least listen for a change. Do you understand this powerful statement, "listen for a change." If you hear what your heart is trying to convey, change can happen for you. You are the most important person you will ever meet. What is it that your heart wants you to discover about your purpose?

Cynthia Brooks is an entrepreneur at heart and enjoys coaching other entrepreneurs by getting them off the side lines of life into the game. She invites you to view some great articles and resource information on and

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