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December 13, 2011

The Nature of Success

The only thing standing between where you are and what you want is the will to try and the faith to believe. Faith defines the goal, while will serves as motivation to move you toward that purpose. Together the traits of faith and will form an unstoppable force for success. The will to act to achieve an end you believe in allows you to mix in ingredients that characterize achievement. These ingredients are defined in "The Nature of Success", a brief book of inspiration by Mac Anderson.

"The Nature of Success" combines ageless insights with remarkably beautiful photographs to both enlighten and encourage. This brief volume is one of many releases by "Simple Truths" an Illinois based company publishing concise works seamlessly merging, on printed pages and in video collages, the magnificence of nature with the timeless tenets of growth and achievement.

Every journey has a beginning and an end, and so it is with life. The stuff that fills the time between birth and death can be miraculous or mundane, exhilarating or dreary, triumphant or tragic - you get to choose. You may draw your selections from a buffet of judgments, contradictions and complaints or more appropriately from proven precepts and principles to advance in courage, in competence, and in wisdom.

You can choose a full and fulfilling life. The way is available to everyone, you just must select the right path.

Between a healthy share of stimulating quotes and breathtaking photographs Mac Anderson offers, in "The Nature of Success", tenets of truth to guide you and vignettes from personal experience illustrating how those success tenets have been applied. He writes about his successes and struggles in business and in life. Mac achieved notoriety as CEO of McCord Travel and as a key executive with Orval Kent Foods before realizing his true calling. He founded Successories, a company designing and distributing motivational products, and has gone on to become a passionate author and speaker focusing on leadership and growth.

Mac offers and expands on twenty-seven tips to fuel you on your path of growth and achievement. These tips include: the power of faith, riding the wave of passion, creating positive change, savoring the moment, and embracing change among others. H.G. Wells once pointed out, "We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment is a miracle and a mystery." Moving in the right direction is essential. Goals guide, but action is key; while change is inevitable, growth is optional.

Mac reminds us: Heroes are ordinary people who place their dreams above their fears. Everyone possesses the potential to be a hero. By facing challenges we discover our potential. To get what you have never had, you must do what you have never done. Your task in seeking this life is to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

As Saint Frances De Sales observed, "You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working; in just the same way, you learn to love by loving." The nature of success is to face life with optimism and resolve, for you learn to achieve by achieving.

Find the courage to start small, then keep raising your aim. If you persist you will outgrow every challenge and lead a life of excellence few mere mortals know. You have within you a nature to succeed - embrace it.

Scott F. Paradis, author of "Promise and Potential: A Life of Wisdom, Courage, Strength and Will" publishes "Insights" available for free at

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