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December 10, 2011

Things to Consider in Changing Your Belief System for Success

"First say to yourself what you would be, and then do what you have to do."-Epictetus

If you are noticing nothing seems to be moving forward no matter how much hard work you are putting into getting the results you desire, it is probably because you are using the same skills and perspectives from the past. It is like trying to make a fine wine with old sore grapes from last year's harvest.

It isn't that hard work is without its rewards, but lacking new soft and hard skills it is like a hamster running inside a caged wheel believing he/she is getting somewhere. The hamster is gaining muscle from all the hard work; however, it is limited by staying in place. To move from where you are to where you want to be get out of the wheel to higher ground to observe the forest.

It seems there are two paths. One is to keep doing what you are doing because it is familiar; or be courageous and humble to do what it takes to acquire the knowledge and skills that are beckoning you to move up the ladder to the success you desire, which to me is the "high road to success."

The hardest thing can be change whether forced upon us by circumstances beyond our control or choosing to make a change. The pull of the past keeps sucking us back because it is familiar. But the heart knows best and unhappiness keeps knocking when trying to be what we are not. Our bodies are magnificent messengers.

Moving into a desired future requires growth from the inside out. It takes courage, persistence, humility and commitment on the high road to self-awareness. The growth and opportunities that come from taking the high road are immeasurable and measurable in many ways. Relationships get better, finances increase, health improves and life gets better all around.

"It's the repetition of affirmations that lead to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction things begin to happen"-Claude M. Bristol (1891-1951)

Tips to the High Road of Success

Maybe you are already in a position looking for new direction or maybe you are starting over. Whichever position you are in it is your starting point. Every present moment is a new beginning. As William James, the great psychologist and philosopher said, "The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind."
Make an appointment with yourself to stop whatever you are doing to give it fresh eyes. Find a place where you won't be disturbed or distracted, plus turn off your personal digital assistants. You will use this time to reflect, design and dream about the future you want. Your future is in your hands.Your future warrants taking regular time-out to focus mentally, visually, and spiritually on your desired outcomes. Otherwise you keep manifesting from the past.
There is nothing wrong with the past unless it is running your future. It takes new seeds to sow what you want to reap. It is arrogance to say you know it all. Remember success isn't limited to learning. Lasting success demands developing the soft skills and values of great leaders, such as attitude, humility, courage, tenacity, understanding, commitment, leadership, etc.
After all what are dreams. They are a vision of future possibilities that aren't in existence. Developing dreams without growing from the inside out is deluding yourself, especially if you believe that all you have to do is more of the same work.
Challenge yourself by learning and developing tangible and intangible skills. If you stop learning from the inside out, you are missing the greatest parts of who you are destined to become.
Support from a mentor is a wonderful resource. They will spur you on and encourage you. They will bring to the table their experience. Having a personal and professional coach is an asset to your growth in that they will challenge you from your unspoken potential; not just reaching quotas that after they are reached it is on to another quota. Personal and professional coaching teaches life-long skills that apply to all areas of your life.
Change is challenging, but do you want the change you desire or just complain about it. Change is very uncomfortable when going into the unknown. Design your future map to give yourself an anchor when the going gets tough to remind you why you are doing what you are doing.

"We must be the epitome - the embodiment - of success. We must radiate success before it will come to us. We must first become mentally, from an attitude standpoint, the people we wish to become."-Earl Nightingale
Remember: Anything is Possible, especially when you change your attitude of mind, and take the high road to success."

Theresa-Maria "TM" Napa, CPCC, LOACC

Copyright 2011 Theresa-Maria Napa

Theresa-Maria Napa, CPCC, LOACC, owner of Right Track Coaching, is a certified professional coach, speaker, and author with extensive experience coaching entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals. She held positions as vice president of operations, director of marketing & administration, and owner of a small business for ten years. Her clients learn life-long skills which lead to higher incomes, improved communication skills, influential leadership abilities, and how to have more leisure time with friends and family. TM is intuitive and masterful in facilitating the business leadership and career development you seek while you work smarter with less stress.

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Copyright 2011 - Theresa-Maria ("TM") Napa, CPCC, LOACC - All Rights Reserved - This article may be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and this resource box are included.

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