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December 17, 2011

Electromagnetic Drag Chute Concept for Space Travel

One of the most difficult things to do when visiting another planet is to slow down. Of course, if you don't slowdown you are liable to end up somewhere else far from your destination. Perhaps someone needs to invent an electromagnetic drag chute? How would this work you ask? Well, I have been giving some thought to this and it appears to me that if an electromagnetic drag chute tail were to be deployed from a spacecraft as it neared the planet of intended destination it might capture quite a bit of energy from the friction, while simultaneously assisting in decreasing the velocity.

The energy captured could then be reused for some kind of thruster system to slow down the craft even further. In other words, you would be converting the energy of the friction as you near the planet and use forward facing thrusters to slow you down, just as a jet airplane on the runway during landing uses trust-reversers. The drag chute would be an Entergy Tail able to capture massive amounts of energy very quickly. Some of that energy should be stored, so during reentry the spacecraft or vehicle can use its own power to slow lead to send it to the surface of the planet.

This might work very well for sending unmanned cargo vessels to a lunar colony, on Earth's moon. If there was energy left over it could be used later to launch the vehicle back into lunar orbit to later slingshot back to the Earth, where it would do a similar maneuver to descend back to Earth surface. Although I have not worked all the details out on this, it is theoretically possible, and therefore I think I may mention this at our think tank which happens to operate online - in the near future.

How do I know that energy can be gathered this way? Well, there was an experiment done with the space shuttle program over a decade ago, and so much energy was collected in such a short amount of time with a very short Entergy Tail, that it almost overloaded the shuttle and burned up all the electronics - the tail was jettisoned and cut lose to save the shuttle. And the shuttle was just in regular orbit, it wasn't coming in at a high velocity, it was just soaking up the electromagnetic energy as it skimmed across in low-Earth orbit. As far as I'm concerned, this is free energy for the taking, and we should take advantage of it for future space travel. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Space Technologies. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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