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September 10, 2011

Universal Thinking

"We are the vessels through which the universe has come to recognise itself"-Carl Sagan

Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? Are we alone? They are but a few questions that human intelligence has the audacity to ask, but still in the 21st Century the majority of society doesn't ask, and if they do then it is without any meaningful desire to find out and understand. Has society become too addicted to selfishness and the pursuit of happiness through the universally narrow minded system of capitalism that it has become totally ignorant to the beauty and wonder of our existence and the search for the true meaning of life and living?

We live on a tiny planet in a solar system revolving around one star in a galaxy estimated of having 200-400 billion stars and 50 billion planets in a universe of an estimated 200-400 billion galaxies with hundreds of billions of stars with an unknown and possibly unbelievable amount of planets of which some could support life of all kinds.

If there is intelligent life somewhere out there upon the vast cloud of unknown, who have the intelligence of humans or most likely millions or even billions of years more advanced than us, will their societies be more worried in material prosperity and universal isolation as that of humankind or would they have long overcome mass ignorance and material greed that now their galaxies have become their "EARTH". By educating their societies in a spirit of universal harmony in a process over hundreds and thousands of years that finally they broke free of their planet or galaxy and travelled further afield with a new advanced sophisticated view of life, a view of universal nationalism, nationalism were everything is defined by laws of the universe, a view were respect for life and the importance of life is understood deeply, a view of educating every person from a young age in cosmology and physics through suitable ways, were every person understands the responsibility humankind potentially holds on life in the universe, were societies number one priority is to work in advancing humankind's understanding, searching and travelling of the universe.

In the modern world society is controlled through the means of media, business and politicians whose decades long war on social intellect in order to keep capitalism alive has resulted in the majority of society more interested in the life of a celebrity rather than the true meaning of why the celebrity exists at all.

"In order to make an apple pie from scratch you must first create the universe"-Carl Sagan

A basic question that every human has the intelligence to ask but don't because they have become comfort junkies as in they have become so comfortable with looking well, shopping, partying and so on that they don't bother to ask the big questions the questions we all should be searching for and which governments should be based upon and striving all the time to keep the public aware and dedicated in the search for understanding.

It is only when this desire amongst society to change their view of the world with a spirit of universal harmony instead of an egotistic isolationist view, that society will truly feel mentally and physically free.

AUTHOR. Darren M

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