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September 7, 2011

Staying Positive During Political Uncertainty

Political uncertainty creates a negative emotion among members of a society. Because our system of justice and values in the United States of America is based on many laws and amendments, it is reasonable to believe there will be many diverse opinions. When we see the news and there is a heated debate on some topic that affects our lives, such as the issue of abortion or gay marriage, it often triggers our emotion and we begin to feel anxiety or even anger.

Staying positive during political turbulence can be a great opportunity to expand the knowledge base in which we have been taught, to learn the many nuances of the political system in which we live.

Some great ideas for transforming a negative depiction of a political issue, into a positive growth experience are to:
Refresh your knowledge of American Government or the government of your native land;Think of the many benefits that you and your family have received as citizens of the country in which you live that are monetary and none monetary;Give gratitude for the opportunity to have a voice.

Self-Education is the Best Remedy for Political Flu

I call this season the "Political Flu Season" because the bickering causes headache, hot flashes and sweating. All jokes aside, with the flow of negative media, comes the viral effect of negativity. However, the best remedy for this is to become self-educated on the policies, procedures and politicians that are at the center of attention. Google any information you would like to know including a history of the person or issue. There is a world of information available for someone who is interested in learning more about the situation.

Contributing Your Voice to Create Change

There is no better time to reach into your heart and soul, and develop your own voice, than during times of political uncertainty. This is the time to see what you can do as a citizen to contribute to the solution rather than feed the disease. There is a light that when shown, may just be the light that shines and creates a new way of looking at government and politics. This is the light of change. Without innovative leadership and voices that were determined to be heard, no civilization can thrive. Contribute your voice and start a new chain of positive and forward momentum. Smile for no reason at all and allow your voice to be heard. Staying positive during political uncertainty can be the fresh change needed.

Carla Wynn Mancil
Author, Mompreneur, Business Owner

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