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September 2, 2011

How Most Fear Is Imaginary

Hello, I hope you are having a good day. Today I'd like to continue in the series about overcoming fear, particularly as it applies to developing a home business, but also as it applies to any other area of your life. So the ideas that I am going to be sharing with you, you'll be able to use in all the circumstances of your life.

One of the areas that I think is really crucial to do is to discover how we "rehearse" fear. Many of us rehearse all sorts of scenarios in our minds. We think about things a lot and will actually create a scene not unlike a television show, or closer to a soap opera, where there's lots of emotion going on. We're characters and we're imagining.

Really, this hasn't happened. We just are making it up because of some event that's happened in our lives. And I call this "rehearsing fear." What's going on is that we're actually making up a scene that's related to circumstances that we're afraid of, and then we literally react emotionally to those scenes. And that actually then increases our fear.

One of my favorite Scriptures is where Jesus says to "Be not afraid." I think that this is an important distinction, because He doesn't say, "Do not have fear." He says "Be not afraid," which means "Don't do things to increase your fear. Don't be in the state of fear. Don't dwell there mentally." All of us are going to have the feeling of fear periodically, but we don't have to dwell there. There are things that we can do to help us not be afraid.

So one of the things that we can start doing is to put other ideas into our minds. I will teach you a little bit of how to make that transition from fearful thoughts to other thoughts. One of the things that I think is crucial is that we have to learn to recognize the moment that we start to create these fearful scenarios. I have counseled people over the years, and it sometimes takes a couple minutes before they realize that they're into this other scene that really isn't true; they're just making it up. And so what we need to learn how to do is become aware of the moment that we're into this scene of fearful stuff, whether it applies to your family life or your friendships or business.

The moment that you're thinking about stuff that really hasn't come true, you're imagining some scenario in the future. Nipping it in the bud is really crucial, and at that moment, you can then start to fill your mind with thoughts of thanksgiving. You'll be able to nip the fear in the bud. It just won't continue, because you can't focus on both things at the same time.

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