Who thinks the United States has a democracy? Well we are not supposed to, even though we do. Go read the Constitution and tell me how many times it talks about a democracy. I'll be waiting when you get back.
Did you have fun? Was that your first reading of the supposed Supreme Law of the United States? Well don't feel bad you aren't the only one. Anyways at least now you know the answer to the above question, which is 0! The Constitution never mentions a democracy. That's crazy right? Especially since you learned about how amazing our democracy was throughout school. Well, the United States is actually supposed to be Republic. What's the difference you ask? Simple, a Republic adheres to a charter (the constitution) and in a democracy people make the decisions through voting. So in a Republic nothing can be done that does not adhere to the Constitution.
That limits the power of everyone, mainly the government because the founders knew politicians would continuously chase more power, which they have done and obtained. This is not possible with a charter because it is illegal. On the other hand though in a democracy, people can make any decision through voting. Do you remember when the mosque was being attempted to being built near ground zero? Everyone was flipping out about it and no one wanted to allow it to happen. Well, the majority of people opposed it from being built, so some people wanted to get it stopped. Under Democracy this would happen no problem. People would go vote on the issue and they would have stopped the mosque from being built because the majority opposed. This would obviously not be abiding by the First Amendment and Freedom of Religion, but because the majority support the cause it's okay.
How about this then, let's say the majority of Americans hate Justin Bieber. Everyone talks about it and decides they don't want to listen to him sing anymore, so they are going to vote to have him executed. Well everyone shows up and votes and unfortunately for Bieber the majority of his fans are not even old enough to vote, so he loses. So he is put to death because the 'majority' in a 'Democracy' wanted it to happen. Is this okay? I don't find it okay regardless of what the democratic system came up with. There is a reason the founders did not set us up with a Democracy, they knew a Democracy would eventually fail. Just because a majority makes a decision does not make it right. Of course the poor are going to vote for higher taxes for the rich. And we know the wealthy are a very small minority, so of course everyone will pick on them and make them pick up the financial burden. People will always vote for whatever will benefit them the most and that is a horrible system that will not work. The only way liberties can be protected is under a charter, not a democracy. Here are some quotes from people smarter than I, hope you learned something.
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." - Thomas Jefferson
"In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme." - Aristotle
"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." - Thomas Jefferson
"Democracy is the road to socialism." - Karl Marx (heard of him?)
John A. Baxter
What's a Republic?
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