A friend of mine sent some thoughts she had while reading Jean Houston's autobiography, A Mythic Life: Learning To Live Our Greater Story so I immediately ordered the book from the library. So much of it really resonates with me at this moment, as often happens when a new book or thought practically drops into my lap.
For example, in the book an old man she befriends as a teen asks her "What is your essence, your butterfly nature?" Isn't that a delicious question? Ted Andrews, in his Animal Speak book, talks about butterflies by saying they represent change (there are four distinct stages of change in the butterfly), and that they appear to dance as they light on flowers; they awaken a sense of lightness and joy by reminding us that life is a dance, so lighten up and look for change. He reminds us in his book that change can occur as gently, as sweetly and as joyfully as we wish.
Jean also said, "Walking backwards from the present moment, we identify moments when there is a prescient shiver of knowing who we will become - accompanied by profound bliss and joy." I invite you to think back to some of the milestones in your life. Well, not even milestones, just moments of importance and significance to you. Then step outside those memories and look at how those particular moments have influenced and guided you to become who you are, or better yet, have lead you to a path that will take you to who you want to become.
Sometimes something very small can be pivotal. Oftentimes it is simply an awareness, a desire to do it (whatever "it" is) differently than you did yesterday, or a knowingness that the old way doesn't work any longer for you. If you cloak it with acceptance rather than resistance, the journey is so much more enticing. There's the rub, acceptance. Remember the message from the butterfly: it doesn't have to be hard; change can be gentle and sweet. We think it has to be hard, that we have to suffer, that change has to be scary. Not so! Dance more easily, be more gentle with yourself and you will realize that acceptance can happen. In fact, it needs to happen for you to move on and move forward.
Acceptance is merely the absence of negativity and resistance. Our thoughts are vibrations; acceptance is a positive vibration and resistance is a negative vibration. Think about that. A positive and a negative cancel each other out, but a stronger vibration will take over. A bigger acceptance will knock out a smaller resistance, so keep that proportion in mind. That means that you don't have to change and push and form and build, all you have to do is let go of all the roadblocks that you have put up in the past and the forward progress will take care of itself. That, in itself, was a revelation to me. I don't have to do anything, just let go of all the blocks (physical and mental) that I have been placing in my own way.
By removing the negative obstacles I have cleared the path without the effort of actually doing the excavation, and the positive can then appear. Do you see the difference? Ah, but allowing, accepting, being open, that can be hard if you let it be. We think we have to do something, when in actuality all we have to do is allow. For those of us who want to be in control, that is hard! Think of allowing as the absence of doing or forcing, rather than the act of accomplishing something. Just be open and be aware. Opportunities are all around us - so much so that we often miss them when we are busy do-ing instead of just be-ing.
This is the time to just be open. We are much more than we think we are, and the Universal plan is in place just waiting for us to step into it. Take that step and trust... and allow.
Jean says when she was with this older gentleman, she left behind her littleness. This month I would invite you to dance into your own-ness, your big-ness. Accept that you are good enough, you are good, you are enough, you... are. Just allow, be open, accept your greatness.
If you need help remembering who you are meant to be, contact me. And visit my website.
Kathie Brodie is a Hypnotist in the Seattle, Washington area who helps clients find the root of a fear or phobia and rewrite the current script of their life. She has private sessions for weight management, conquering burnout, smoking cessation, as well as help with depression, pain, grief, anger, jealousy, poor self image, study skills, memory, and past life regressions. She also has corporate sessions in the workplace. Kathie has hypnosis CDs for sales.
She has a private practice and can be reached for appointments or more information at kathie@TheBaggageHandler.com. Read more about her at http://www.thebaggagehandler.com/
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