There are so many unhappy people in this world. People truly want to be happy but don't know how to find happiness in their life. Some search a life time for it but never find it. Others stop looking for it, and give up and remain miserable all throughout their life blaming others for why they're not happy. I'm here to help you and show you on how you can start to become a more happy person in your life starting now; you no longer have to keep searching for it, because you already hold the key to unlock your happiness. All you have to do is start turning it in the right direction...
1. Stop looking back in the past. You will never be happy if you are always looking back in your past. Stop thinking "if only I did this or that", it don't matter because you can't change the past, you can only make your future better, so start concentrating on your future. God has given you another day to get it together, to become a more happy person, so what are you going to do with it?
2. Speak it out. You can't trust how you feel at the moment. Feelings are fickle, they change night and day, so you have to start to speak out of your mouth that you are happy. Start saying things such as I'm happy with me, happiness is all around me, I attract nothing but happy people into my life. You see, once you begin to speak things out over your life on a consistent basic, your mind will begin to transform, and once your mind transform to think thoughts such as I'm a happy person, you will start to act like a more happy person. So begin to confess happiness over your life.
3. Love Yourself. Yes, in order for you to start to become happy with you, you have to first love yourself. What do I mean by love yourself? I mean every morning as you wake up in the morning, look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself, I love you and there is nothing you can do about it. Say to your thighs you so wish to get rid of, I love you thighs, since you are here at this moment with me I will choose to love it until the day I decide to do something about it. It don't make no sense to hate how you look because you wish you were smaller, no, love on it right now because the more you hate it the more depress you are going to feel about it. Now I'm not saying just because you loving on that extra fat on your body that you have to live with it, no what I'm saying is since you put it there and it's there on your body at the moment, love it until you get ready to start eating right and exercising to get rid of it.
4. Do something for yourself. When was the last time you got up and took yourself out to dinner, or to a movie? Stop sitting around waiting on that man to take you out, and take yourself out to dinner. You have to get yourself to a point where you enjoy spending time with you. Go to the spa and relax and get pamper. Once you begin to get in the habit of doing things for yourself, you will start to feel your confidence begin to rise and you know what comes after confidence show up, happiness with self.
5. Learn how to forgive. I saved this one last because I feel it's the most important part of happiness. Forgive all the people that you feel have made you unhappy, or caused you to be unhappy in your life. Go ahead and just say I forgive you ____ (insert their name) for whatever it was that caused you to be unhappy. After you have done that, forgive yourself. That's right, go ahead and forgive yourself for allowing you to be unhappy all this time. Forgive yourself for giving other people that much power over you to cause you to be unhappy with yourself. You see we spend so much time forgiving others, that we forget to forgive ourselves. There is power in forgiveness, so begin to try it today.
Once you begin to start putting these five key elements into place in your life, you will be on your journey to a more happy person. If this fabulous article helped you in any kind of way please share your comment below with me, and if you know of anybody who can become a more happy person, please share this with them.
Remember that you are a Dynamic, Intelligent, Virtue, A woman of purpose=DIVA
Developing women to live a better and healthier lifestyles.
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