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December 31, 2011

Metro Apps and The Future Of Mobile

The PC giant Microsoft is making waves in the mobile application development arena with its up and coming operating system called Windows 8. This new version of their operating system has been developed with mobile devices in mind and is Microsoft's move to stay relevant it the changing tide of personal computing. Although desktop computers still accounts for the majority of use in homes and businesses worldwide, consumers are increasingly adopting smartphones and mobile tablets as their choice of computing tool. Microsoft has fallen behind in the mobile arena and Windows 8 is their response to market demands.

In the past, the Windows operating system has been notorious for being processor intensive along with requiring a large amount of disk space to store application files. This has made it a challenge as a contender for mobile devices. The new Windows 8 will require less system requirements than its predecessor. Additionally, it will run on traditional desktop PCs and laptops built with Intel processors as well as ARM processing chips that are the core of touch devices such as tablets and smartphones.

The new user interface is a huge change from the past with a clean and intuitive layout based on the "Metro style" design first introduced in Windows Phone 7. The reinvented operating system will run Metro Style apps that are fast, fluid and designed to enhance user interactivity regardless of the device they are running on. The user experience for Windows 8 will be similar on both desktop computers and mobile devices. Metro apps respond to touch on devices that support it while remaining compatible with more traditional input devices such as a mouse.

Metro apps will run in full screen mode, effectively hiding the operating system to remove clutter on the screen. This more engaging approach to personal computing draws the user into the experience so they can focus on what they are doing. On the startup screen, Metro apps are presented in tiles that feature status and activity updates intended to engage the user with the data they care about the most. This approach is a break away from the icon based home screens that are prevalent on Apple and Android devices and intended to provide a more engaging user experience.

Cloud based computing will also play a role in the future of Metro apps. Users will easily be able to share content on their social networks as well as other devices they are connected to. Running Windows 8 on both a persons desktop computer and mobile device means greater integration of shared data without having to deal with cross platform issues, effectively bridge the gap between mobile and PC.

Metro apps will be sold exclusively in the up and coming Windows Store, a marketplace similar to the popular Apple Store where users can purchase apps to suit their needs. The store will focus on simplicity and provide a safe portal to purchase quality apps that have been tested for performance and security. Community developers will be able to use the new APIs and development tools to build Metro style apps where they can submit to the Windows Store.

With the increasing popularity of smartphones and tablet devices, mobile apps have become a way of life for many users. The market demand continues to rise and proves that they are not just a passing fad in today's ever-changing technology trends. Microsoft's new approach will certainly keep their operating system relevant in the new mobile world by giving consumers what they want and have come to expect in personal computing.

For more information about metro application development, visit Magenic who have been one of the leading application development companies to meet unique business challenges for some of the most recognized companies and organizations in the nation.

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Seven Things To Explore and Enjoy in Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Great Smoky Mountains National Park is one of the most spectacular natural treasures in the United States. Nestled in the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the most visited national park in the United States and should be on every person's must-see list during their lifetime.With over eight hundred miles to explore, roam, and experience, visiting the park can be rather daunting. But before you allow yourself to get overwhelmed, take a look at this handy guide of the top seven things to explore and enjoy inside the Great Smoky Mountains

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December 30, 2011

Best Thing Since Sliced Bread: Push Notifications?

If you're the user of a smartphone, you're likely already experienced in the usefulness of Push Notifications - Or are you? You may see push notifications as intrusive status updates from friends in the Facebook realm. Perhaps you see them as bothersome updates from Twitter or your calendaring program. While these feelings and situations may hold some basis in truth and reality, you may not realize the full potential of notices via the push tools from smartphones.

As a developer of smartphone applications, I've been accustomed to building applications for customers with their specific needs in mind. This means I build the interfaces, the look and feel, and the behavior of the app to be just as the customer requests for their needs. This typically is the best approach - give the customer what they want. However, what they want may not take in mind what they can do.

With push notifications you can send messages directly to the people who have installed your app, even when the app is closed on a device. What does this do for you? If you're the customer, you get notifications of sales, services, events and more. If you're the merchant or provider, you get the ability to share with the users of the app in ways far superior to email or other media alone. With notifications, you create customer engagement by delivering directly information that can be immediately applied to their needs (the customer needs). This can be sports scores, breaking news, game updates, social media posts, stock price quotes and so much more. Each can be tailored to your audience.

There are tools that your developer can employ such as Urban Airship's Push API, which allow you to send messages to your entire audience, to break your total audience into specific subgroups or to actually use push notifications to the individual level (stock prices, account updates, etc.). These tools allow you to specifically address your customers' needs while keeping your interactivity level high. The more you're interacting with your customers, the more you're able to assure that they are consuming your information and services.

Without getting into the wealth of technical aspects required to make this work, let's consider some of the applications of the push notifications. Some of these have already been mentioned such as the social media posts and sports stores. You may receive badge updates from Facebook games, notices from friends and similar. But from a commercial perspective, there are plenty of uses beyond this. Consider the following:

Inform Customers of Sales and specialsAnnounce Special EventsPost job openings (I've seen this with a coffee shop!)Coordinate activities (A local Bowling Alley uses this to get tournaments set)Build activist involvement (Political groups find this to be invaluable)

I helped a local beer and concert pub that needed a band (rather unexpectedly) to replace another band that cancelled at the last minute. A Push Notification sent out to the app users for their pub received almost an immediate response from a local band (of rather amusing technologists from a large networking company). The concert pub not only got a replacement band for their Friday night crowd, the 'Johnny on the spot' band got exposure (and more bookings).

I've seen push notifications in place with sporting groups and similar. A local Bowling alley uses push notifications to fill empty bowling lanes by creating instant App specials ("For two hours only: 10 can bowl for the price of 1!"). These push specials are most often immediately read and people make spur of the moment decisions based on this immediacy of data. A local subscription based gym and athletic club uses their app with push notifications to not only announce new classes (Zumba class is the big new announcement), but they inform the app users when the pool closures occur due to maintenance and inclement weather.

I helped a Midwestern auction house create an app which uses push notifications to not only inform users of upcoming auctions, they allow their users to subscribe to auction notices which allow for lot notices to be pushed to users so they can bid via phone easier. They don't have to worry about the lots they want - they get notified when those lots are approaching bid and they can make the call to the auction house. Not only does the auction house interact constantly with their customers, they give them a value added service that greatly improves the customer relationship that drives far more sales than before. Push notifications allow you to build your customer touch points and your revenues. (Have you considered the constant opportunity to 'brand' yourself with your app? The push notifications underscore the branding.)

If you're considering the push notices you've received, then you can relate back to the practical uses for the push notifications and they become less of an intrusion into your life and more of a benefit. If you're a marketer (a merchant with an app), then you must consider using push notifications with your apps.

Wow, I just got a push notification: "Don't cook tonight, come by for gourmet take out!" from a local deli!

David Pratt is a creative consultant with iDesign Mobile Apps, a smartphone application development company located in Nevada and North Carolina. Smartphone users can take advantage of technology by using smartphone apps which help them improve their lives. Mobile apps and mobile web solutions can be discussed with the experts at

Take advantage of an Ezine referral special and get a one-hour consultation on 'Deploying social media and mobile technology' for your company. Contact iDesign for details.

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Learn the Piano in the Simplest Way Available

There are two basic ways to learn piano - one is based in reading musical notes and the second way is based in learning the chords. For those who will spend a lifetime learning piano the classical way, note reading is a good idea. But for those who have a creative mind and want to make music on their own, learning the chords is a good foundation. It's always a better idea to learn how music works and to be able to read it on paper.Learning the piano through chords is the easiest way to go. Only after learning the chords, you will be able to compose music and that is what you want in the long

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Effective Research

The issue, Possibility of Perfect Research, raises some important questions on a research output or research process. What is research? What is the absolute basis of research? Why research is initiated? How research is conducted? How research is evaluated? What is perfection? Is perfection during research process viable? What is effective research management? What is research paper? We will make an effort to answer the aforesaid questions.

Oxford Dictionary defines research as, a careful study of a subject, especially in order to discover new facts or information about it. A research is either summary of information or evaluation of some already discovered information. Literally, research involves "searching again" the subject what others have written on it. A research is blend of information, evaluation, and innovation. Firstly, it gives information on a particular subject or matter, secondly, evaluates the earlier research or reviews relevant literature, and finally, the new work adds some innovative aspects, both practical as well as conceptual.

Man is combination of three basic realities, i.e., body, mind, and soul. Human activities are shaped by physical needs, psychological instincts, and soul urges. At physical level, an important physical need is leisure or relaxation. At psychological level, an important mental instinct is curiosity. Again, at spiritual level, an important soul urge is perfection. The multiple reasons of research are physical demand for more leisure, intellectual thrust on account of instinctual curiosity, perfectionist aspiration of soul due to ingrained urge of soul towards perfection. The very foundation of human anatomy is thus ultimate basis of research, so that research will continue forever. There is not possibility of perfect research in any discipline.

Life has two levels, individual and collective. Collective life is contractual arrangement of leaders and followers. Institutions are inevitable aspect of collective life. An institution works under the stewardship of leaders. Leaders initiate multiple programs to maintain their authority over followers or to maintain smooth sailing of institutions. A follower may change her mind towards leadership on account of static, poor, and corrupt governance. The solution to ceremonial or non-performing institutional setup is introduction of innovations, both conceptual as well as practical. Consequently, innovations are introduced from time to time. The very foundation of innovation is initiation of new and fresh research. In order to maintain the fabric of collective life, leaders (social or economic or political) initiates research from time to time. At intellectual level, the conducted research is prone towards perfection but practically it achieves only a fair output due to multiple constraints, financial and non-financial, imposed by leaders.

A research is conducted by intellectuals. Intellectuals/Scientists are creative group of a society. They receive ideas from multiple life events, now and then. The reception of idea is special psycho-social strength of intellectuals/scientists. An idea is like a seed of a plant. They think-rethink on it and assess the viability of idea. At last, they are positive towards productivity of their idea. They separate/arrange resources for idea realization. Sharing of idea with entrepreneur (social or economic or political) is an important step for resource arrangement. An idea realization activity is self-perfection of intellectual/scientist. It is noteworthy that proactive approach of an entrepreneur or society towards new ideas is vital for the materialization of intellectual creativity.

Research Evaluation is an important step for effective research management. Research Management is a professional work. Although, it is research-driven work but it is not research it is management of research efforts Generally, research is evaluated on the basis of it practical fruits rather than intellectual strength. The significant stakeholders of a research are entrepreneurs, governments, and general public. A research would be productive if it enhances profit of entrepreneur, power of government, and welfare of public. It is noteworthy that the perfectionist tendency of intellectuals/ researchers is not decisive factor for research output; it is effectiveness that determines acceptance of research. It is said that tree is recognized by fruits so the same is true about research output.

Perfection has two aspects, relative and absolute. An absolute perfection is non temporal and non spatial phenomenon, while relative perfection is temporal-spatial phenomenon. Normally, a creative work is only relatively perfect. Overtime it looses her effectiveness, people search for something anew. It has happened many times and it will happen from time to time. For example, during 19th century, scientists have become perfectionist towards their findings. They were painting only statistical picture of everything. In early decades of 20th century, Einstein, Jung, Gestalt, Keynes, Iqbal, Bergson, and Bertrand Russell broke the myth of perfectionism or micro truths. They marginalized the accepted facts and opened new vistas of research.

A research is either positive or fruitful for multiple stakeholders of research or harmful for them. The practical outcome of research and resource input of research decides the effectiveness of research management. A positive research idea of intellectuals/scientists converts into some inventions or creative work, the invention is converted into innovation by entrepreneurs, the innovation is accepted by masses or rejected by them. An accepted innovation is either temporary or permanent. A temporary outcome is obsolete, sooner or later. For example, the 19th century communication system is history in 21st century. On the other hand, democracy is permanent outcome of enlightened intellectuals of 18th/19th century. We are reaping the benefits of democracy established by Abraham Lincoln in America, by Churchill in Europe, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah in Pakistan.

A research paper is formal presentation of research. The very beginning of a research paper is introduction of focal idea of research. A researcher then reviews the relevant literature to focus her mind towards viability or significance of idea. A definite research methodology is outlined to attain better outcomes from research effort. Now, the researcher explains the findings of research, logically and forcefully. Finally, the researcher discusses the implications, both practical and conceptual, of research endeavor. A good research paper indicates some possible lines of action for further research because a perfect research is not possible on account of multiple constraints both, financial and non financial. A research essay follows the same pattern, however it is less formal.

Muhammad Ilyas Qadri

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December 29, 2011

Choosing the Best Wireless Router for Your Bucks

Wireless routers are a great invention. They give you all of the power and capabilities of a wired router without a lot of the hassle. Chances are that if you're a serious gamer, you either have one already or are in the market to buy one. If you're ready to replace the one you have or buy your very first wireless router, what exactly should you be looking for?

1. Speed - a higher speed means that the router is better for the network. Router speeds are measured in megabits per second.

2. Number of antennas - the best connections are made with multiple antennas. A higher number of antennas translates into more transreceivers.

3. Coverage Range - the higher the range, the better it is for your network. This is one of the most important features for you to consider in your router.

4. Networking standard - the two most popular choices are the Wi-Fi networking standards 802.11N and 802.11G. For higher speed select the newer 802.11N.

5. Wired access points - wired access points enhance the use of a wireless router. In this case, more is better.

6. Dual band/single band - although single band may be adequate for your needs, a dual band allows more speed and two frequenices of transmission.

7. Firewall and network security - security features including a firewall and a secure data encryption standard is important. The best security standard to buy is a WPA2.

Preferred brands of routers that carry these features include Linskys, Belkin, D-link, and Netgear. Ideally you will choose one with the easiest setup, a minimum of maintenance problems, and long-life performance. Some models you might consider include:

* Linskys WRT610N - this is a fast, reliable router. Some of its features include 4 gigabit ethernet ports, external hard drive sharing, WPA2 security, 802.11a/b/g/n compatibility, 6 internal antennas, and excellent range. This is one of the best and most maintenance-free routers you can buy. It costs around $165.

* Apple AirPort Extreme - this model is one of the best available. It has Windows/Mac compatibility, a simultaneous dual band with both a 2.4 GHz and 5 GHZ frequency range, and a variety of excellent security features. It is a great choice for Mac centric users and comes with a one year guarantee, all for about $175.

* Linskys WRT400N - if you're looking for a wireless router that is a bit more economical, the WRT400N is a great deal at $115. It features great speed and range as well as simultaneous dual band connectivity.

Are you looking for consumer based reviews and comparisons of the wireless routers? Check out our reviews on the best wireless router to get tips and additional advice on how to find wireless routers reviews.

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Assessing Small Business Opportunities and Determining the Perfect One for You

If you're serious about starting your own small business, then you are more courageous than most other people today. Despite recent studies showing that around eight out of ten respondents had considered the prospects of small business opportunities at some level, less than half of them take the initiative to get started. And although some people may disagree with the idea of investing in small business opportunities with the economy barely back on its feet, taking calculated and well thought out risks in the many business opportunities available today may prove to be the start of a better

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December 28, 2011

Do's and Don'ts on Your MIDI Keyboard

One of the most important things in music production is keeping your equipment clean and functional. Why is this so important? It's important because you don't want to spend a bunch of money buying new equipment because you don't take care of your equipment right. One of the most important pieces of equipment is either your MIDI keyboard or your piano. If you take care of your keyboards and pianos right, they will be working for you for a long time.Keeping your MIDI keyboard clean can make your equipment work for a long time and not easily get busted. It will also ensure to produce the best

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A Layman's View of SOPA

SOPA stands for the Stop Online Piracy Act, basically dealing with issues like copyright infringement and piracy-words we normally read on service agreements. The US government has now passed a bill on the 26th of November 2011, to fight online trafficking, piracy, and copyright infringement over the internet. So far so good. But really, what difference does it make to us? Thousands of bills are passed every year, many that most of us aren't even aware of. Then why are techie hotshots like Larry Page, Mark Zuckerburg, making such a hue and cry over it?

The bill enables the copyright holders to seek judiciary action against any website that facilitates copyrighting. That means, search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing wouldn't be able to link themselves to such sites (and worse feature them on their search lists). Also our beloved PayPal will not be allowed to carry out any business transactions with such websites. This would mean the open source software available all over the net, crack versions of expensive software, every form of piracy rampant on the internet, will be vanishing in no time. Also it imposes charges of felony on illegal streaming, which means no more sneak previews of movies till the official release date. For users sharing videos on Twitter and YouTube, anything that comes under the category of mildly offensive could be banned straightaway.

What effect worldwide could this bill have? Every other country that was in the process of passing such a bill highlighting concerns of their interest, like capping down of political dissent, hate speech against prominent dignitaries would get an impetus in the same direction. This eventually would lead to the screening and deletion of everything and anything that might be posted on the internet-as blogs, articles, hubs or whatever you name it. Basically this bill could lead to the suppression of the basic "Freedom to speech".

USA seems to be going the same way as Chinese government did with control over China's DNS servers. It spells a touch down on the already fluctuating markets. This bill when enacted, not only affects just the entertainment and information technology sectors, but will have further tumultuous repercussions on every other sector. The revenue generated through online trading or e-commerce forms a large part of the annual U.S. revenue. To cut down on a majority of the business-to-business trading by means of this act will lead to a significant decline in the revenue therein.

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December 27, 2011

Energy Department Announces Major Recovery Act Milestone: 600,000 Homes Weatherized Three Months Ahead of Schedule

Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced that states and territories across the nation have reached the goal of weatherizing more than 600,000 low-income homes– including more than 125,000 multi-family homes like apartment buildings – more than three months ahead of schedule. The Department reached this major milestone as part of its efforts to save energy and reduce home utility bills for families, while creating jobs in communities throughout the country. 

On a conference call to make the announcement, Secretary Chu was joined by Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton, who spoke about Minnesota’s efforts and progress on the ground making homes more efficient with weatherization upgrades.

Through the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, states and territories supported by the Department’s Weatherization Assistance Program set the aggressive goal to reduce energy waste in approximately 600,000 low-income homes with energy efficient upgrades such as insulation, air-sealing, and more efficient heating and cooling systems. The program is helping families save money on their energy bills and creating thousands of jobs locally – putting carpenters, electricians, and others back to work. While the original target date for completing 600,000 weatherization upgrades was the end of March, 2012, the Department announced today that it had met that objective more than three months ahead of schedule.

“Today the Department of Energy marks a major milestone: we have weatherized more than 600,000 low-income homes and put thousands of people to work through the Recovery Act,” said Secretary Chu. “Across America, DOE’s successful Weatherization Assistance Program has increased the demand for energy-saving products and services, created thousands of skilled jobs, and helped families to reduce energy waste and save money."

On average, the program reduces energy consumption for low-income families by up to 35 percent, saving them more than $400 on their heating and cooling bills in the first year alone.  Nationwide, the weatherization of 600,000 homes is estimated to save more than $320 million in energy costs in just the first year.

Supporting a Domestic Building Retrofit Industry

Today, buildings account for nearly 40 percent of U.S. energy consumption and carbon emissions.  Making improvements in building efficiency will reduce energy use, lower utility bills, decrease carbon pollution and support American jobs that can’t be outsourced. The Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program is part of the broader effort to address energy waste in buildings, help grow the domestic building retrofit industry, and give families and businesses more information and access to energy efficiency upgrades.

Other Department initiatives to improve energy efficiency in commercial, residential and industrial buildings include:

The Better Buildings Neighborhood Program is working with hundreds of neighborhoods across the country to promote energy efficiency upgrades in homes and buildings. The partners are making it easier for homes and business owners to access energy efficiency experts and complete building upgrades while supporting a growing energy improvement workforce.

With the Better Buildings Challenge, sixty major companies, universities, hospitals, retailers and cities and states are stepping up to upgrade 1.6 billion square feet of commercial and industrial space by 2020, and organizations have committed nearly $2 billion of private capital to finance energy efficient projects.

The “Home Energy Score” pilot program offers homeowners straightforward, reliable information about their homes’ energy efficiency. Under this voluntary program, trained and certified contractors use a standardized assessment tool developed by DOE to quickly evaluate a home and generate useful, actionable information for homeowners or prospective homebuyers. 

The Department of Energy is developing voluntary Workforce Guidelines for Home Energy Upgrades, a comprehensive set of guidelines for workers in the residential energy efficiency industry. The guidelines help build and expand the skills of the workforce, ensuring the quality of the work performed, while laying the foundation for a more robust worker certification and training program nationwide. 

And to improve access to financing, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has stepped in and launched the PowerSaver pilot program, partnering with eighteen national, regional and local lenders to offer qualified borrowers low-cost loans to make energy-saving improvements to their homes. These PowerSaver loans offer homeowners up to $25,000 to make energy-efficient improvements of their choice, including the installation of insulation, duct sealing, replacement doors and windows, HVAC systems, water heaters, solar panels, and geothermal systems.

DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy invests in clean energy technologies that strengthen the economy, protect the environment, and reduce America's dependence on foreign oil. Learn more about DOE’s effort to enable low-income families to permanently reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy efficient.

News Media Contact: (202) 586-4940

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Top 5 Sporting Achievements of All Time

It is difficult to give a list of the top five sports accomplishments without stepping on someone's toes, but these have to be considered as very impressive achievements, no matter who your favorite athlete might be. The top five sporting achievements of all time:1 - 1980 American Olympic Hockey TeamNo one gave the teenage boys who had only played together a short time much chance against the Soviets. The Russians were considered the best team in the world. In 1979, they had shown their dominance by defeating the NHL All Stars 6-0.When the U.S. team made it to the Olympic finals, it was only

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December 26, 2011

18 Great Facts About Bees That You May Not Know About

1. Did you know that male drone bees do not work at all, and in fact the only work they do is to mate?

2. Did you know that in fact drones do not even have a sting?

3. The bees that do the work in a bee colony are the female workers.

4. A queen will mate with up to 17 drone bees over a two day period during her mating flights.

5. In any one day, a queen can lay over 2000 eggs and she is the only one in the colony who can do so.

6. After she has mated she stores the sperm from the drone bees in her spermatheca and does not attempt to mate again in her lifetime.

7. They will tend to construct their hives either in the ground or high above in trees or on roofs, the only bees who do not do this are carpenter bees who instead make their homes in untreated wood and timber.

8. The average speed of a bee is 15 mph.

9. In order to make a pound of honey, it has been calculated that 556 bees will need to visit one million flowers to make this at all possible.

10. Did you know that It takes an astonishing 1110 stings to kill a human?

11. In order to communicate with each other, Honey bees dance for each other to let each other know what is going on.

12. Did you know that They are also extremely scrupulous about keeping their hives as clean as possible?

13. Of all the crops that we consume, bees are responsible for pollinating a third of them making them the highest pollinators of all insects.

14. The average colony contains 60000 bees which can be a frightening sight and why people resort to bee control out of fear.

15. Honey bees will look to visit 50 to 100 flowers during one nectar collection trip when they go out looking to bring it back to their nest.

16. In hives in the United Kingdom, they produce 6000 tonnes of honey each and every year.

17. Honey has some amazing life giving qualities that help other creatures to keep sustained.

18. Did you know that Honey never goes off? In fact a jar of 2000 year old honey in an Egyptian tomb was found by explorers on an expedition and it was said to taste delicious.

Find out more about Bees, Bee extermination and Carpenter bees to help you deal with any bee problem in your home.

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December 25, 2011

Secretary Chu Statement on Stockholm Nobel Prize Events, Winners from DOE Laboratories

Secretary Chu Statement on Stockholm Nobel Prize Events, Winners from DOE Laboratories | Department of Energy Skip to main content Potential. Solar's vast potential isn't restricted to just one region of our country.Find out how much solar energy your town could generate: Find information about your town or city. Search form Search Public ServicesTax Credits, Rebates & SavingsHomesVehiclesBuilding DesignManufacturingNational Security & SafetyEnergy EconomyFunding OpportunitiesState & Local GovernmentScience & InnovationScience & TechnologyScience EducationInnovationEnergy SourcesEnergy UsageEnergy EfficiencyMissionNews & BlogMaps & DataAbout UsFor Staff & ContractorsOfficesAll OfficesProgram OfficesStaff OfficesLabs & Technology CentersOperations OfficesPower Marketing AdministrationOther Agencies You are hereHome Secretary Chu Statement on Stockholm Nobel Prize Events, Winners from DOE Laboratories December 12, 2011 - 11:41am Addthis

U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu, who is a co-winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics (1997), was in Stockholm over the past several days representing the United States as two scientists with ties to the Department of Energy were awarded Nobel Prizes. Secretary Chu made the following statement:

“I was honored to be in Stockholm to celebrate with two pioneering researchers supported by the Energy Department labs who won 2011 Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry. Winning the Nobel Prize in 1997 was an unbelievable personal honor, and it has been a thrill to join these two outstanding scientists at the Nobel Prize ceremonies. Saul Perlmutter, who won the Prize in Physics is a member of the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for his entire career and Professor of Physics at UC Berkeley. He led a team that co-discovered that the expanding universe is speeding up, contrary to all known laws of physics. Dan Shechtman, professor of materials science at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel, DOE’s Ames Laboratory and Iowa State University, won the Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of ‘quasicrystals’, has redefined how we think of ordered condensed matter.

“Their important work underscores the impact of basic science research and I congratulate them for this well-deserved recognition. To compete in the 21st global economy, it is critical to invest in innovations that pave the way for future industries and solutions to our nation’s most important challenges. Saturday, I spoke at the Nobel Museum about how science, discovery and innovation has changed the world for the better, and how it must help us solve the energy and climate challenges in the coming decades.

News Media Contact: (202) 586-4940

Addthis Related Articles Secretary of Energy Chu Congratulates 2011 Chemistry Nobel Laureate Dr. Saul Perlmutter, who won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics, heads the Supernova Cosmology Project at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. It was this team along with the High-z Supernova Search Team which found evidence of the accelerating expansion of the universe. National Lab Scientists Win Nobel Recognition Celebrating Women’s History Month: Marie Curie What We Do For You General Electric will build a new thin-film photovoltaic (PV) solar panel manufacturing facility in Aurora, Colorado. The plant will produce enough solar panels annually to provide electricity to 80,000 homes and to create 355 jobs in Colorado over the next three to five years. | Image courtesy of Edelman.Energy EconomyEnergy Economy InnovationInnovation National Security Technologies scientists, technicians and engineers from the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Nevada Site Office board the Air Force C-17. Highly trained nuclear emergency response personnel and more than 17,000 lbs of hi-tech equipment are being sent to Japan as part of the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration’s effort to assist Japanese personnel with nuclear issues. | Photo Courtesy NNSA NewsNuclear Security & SafetyNuclear Security & Safety Careers & InternshipsContact UsEmail Updates

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DC Motors - Different Varieties and Its Various Applications

Majority of the consumer electronic devices ranging from a simple CD player to the most sophisticated computer appliances, use DC motors. Though there are a huge variety of it, all of these motors work on the same principle. Quite different from the AC motors, these are powered by direct electric current.Different Types of DC MotorsThere are mainly three different types of it which are elaborated in the following paragraphs:Brushless Direct Current motors: Compared to the brushed it, the brushless it is more efficient and long lasting. As there are no brushes, the motor seldom slows down due

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What Did the German People Know - And When Did They Know It?

A still unresolved question that always disturbs me

Since the end of the Second World War, reporters, commentators, writers and historians are locked in a controversy that will probably never be resolved.

How many Germans knew what was happening to the Jews, and other minorities. Most importantly, when did they know it? (1)

Recently, I was involved in an exchange of posts on a talkback forum. While the main argument was initially centred on the issue of the culpability of the "average" German in the treatment of the Jews, the discussion soon focused on the degree of their knowledge.

This caused me to re-visit some of the literature on the subject. It is clear that, for the civilians, the main line of defense was denial. Simply feigned ignorance.

For the military the "I was simply following orders" defence was more prevalent.

A little background

In 1932 the National Socialist Party secured 43% of the popular vote and became the largest political force in the Reichstag. British Prime Ministers get elected with less support!

Unquestionably, Hitler and his party had massive backing from the population. The electorate knew about, and supported the various laws that were enacted; among other things, depriving Jews of their civil rights, businesses and property. They were well aware of Hitler's philosophy and attitude to the Jews. He never tried to hide it and expounded on it at great length in his book, "Mein Kampf".(2)

None of this is really disputed. The differing interpretations start in a later period. Whilst this article refers to Germans, it can be applied equally to Poles, Ukrainians, Lithuanians and a whole host of other nationalities.

The people of many nations willingly helped the Germans to meet their goal of extermination. And equally denied that involvement after the war.

I am not embarking on an in-depth treatise, comparing one historical narrative with another.

In trying to form a conclusion, I just want to deal with the practical r

The Germans were masters of organisation and kept meticulous records.This involved tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of administrators and other workers.The act of rounding up the millions of Jews required that some organisation had to compile the lists.Work rotas for the police and army units involved were created, published and distributedThen there were the logistics of transportation. The trucks and trains needed drivers and mechanics. The trains stations needed staff, signal operators, level crossing keepers.The transports passed through hundreds of towns and villages en route to the campsThe camps were situated near other towns and villages,and received supplies and maintenance from them.In the vicinity of the Death Camps the air was filled with the stench of burning flesh and white powdery flakes from the chimneys coated everything within a radius of many miles.And these camps had thousands of guards.And these guards had families and friends, as did all the other people listed above.Hundreds of thousands were involved directly, or indirectly. There was also the extended network of relatives, friends and acquaintances of those who worked within and operated the system.

And yet, after the war, it was almost impossible to find a single person who knew anything!

The second line of defence, if the feigned ignorance didn't work, was: "yes we knew that the Jews were being deported but we thought it was only to labour camps". As if the labour camps were like holiday camps!

As I said, this is not intended to be a historical document.

Just a few questions that need answers.

And a world that no longer suspends belief when it considers this question:

What did the German people know - and when did they know it!



I am an Israeli by choice who left the UK 25 years ago for a different life. I comment, and write original articles, primarily on Israeli and Middle East issues. My secondary areas of interest are freedom of expression and historical narrative. You can find me at:

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December 24, 2011

Mind Power Secrets - Control Your Subconscious Mind For A Better Life

Most of us are aware of the existence of our subconscious mind, but we do not know how much influence it has on our lives. Let's look at some common occurrences in life for example - there are days when you don't get enough sleep, you don't feel energetic, you are worried than usual and feel hungrier. Most of us take unusual situations lightly as long as we start noticing these things taking a toll on our life. Your personal and professional life can get affected by excessive fear, lack of energy and boredom.

Both the negative and positive thoughts are nurtured in our subconscious mind and most of us already know this fact. But what you do not know is your ability to control the thoughts in your subconscious mind through mind power training. There are no shortcuts to eliminate negative thoughts but this is a step-by-step process and with systematic training on mind control, you will learn how to make your brain churn out positive thoughts.

Understanding Negative Thoughts And Learning How To Overcome Them

You should realize that the negative thoughts that control your decisions are not built up overnight but it's a process of many years, generally starting from your childhood, and was fueled up by people in your surroundings. Your parents, teachers, relatives and friends have contributed enormously on teaching you 'why you are incapable' or 'what qualities you do not have' to achieve certain things in life. In the long run, you start associating these negative thoughts with almost everything and a greater sense of discouragement builds in your subconscious mind.

With mind power techniques, you will train your brain the other way around - you will teach yourself to think why you are capable of doing things that you once thought to be impossible. You will prospect the fact that you are just like any other human being and definitely with some shortcomings but none of them are capable of stopping you from achieving your goals. This basically is called mind conditioning and powerful commands are used to train your brain why you are capable of achieving your goals.

Eg: Instead of telling yourself why you are weak in math, you will educate your brain why you are capable of picking the subject really fast. Believe it or not, you'll be surprised how you will excel on the subject in record time.

Guided Relaxation Is Your Stepping Stone To Success

The most powerful weapon in the arsenal of mind power education is teaching you how to relax in the toughest of times through different relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga and simple games. It's not easy to overcome your fear in a single step but you can easily teach your brain how to stop worrying and relax your body and mind. With the help of guided relaxation, it's extremely simple educating your brain to slowly eliminate negative thoughts.

Guided relaxation techniques are also used to build posted the thoughts in your brain. You will start with small successes as smaller goals are easy to achieve. Once you succeed, you will build up a very powerful trait called confidence and nothing can beat the confidence of a human being. Mind power education is extremely important but unfortunately, most mainstream education systems do not educate their students how to train their mind. This is how a lot of us become compromised individuals and think most of the times why we can't do a thing instead of thinking why we are capable of doing it.

This is Carol Strong who has always had a keen interest in self development. The power of mind power training is truly unbeatable and the success you can achieve is beyond the scope of words! Check out my informative website for more.

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The Mimosa Trail

The Mimosa trail covers around 130 Kilometres from The villages, going Bormes-les-Mimosas, le Rayol-Canadel, Sainte-Maxime, Saint-Raphaël,Tanneron, Grasse, Pégomas, and Mandelieu-la Napoule. It celebrates the flowering of the lovely Mimosa shrub with its bright yellow flowers which are particularly welcome in the depths of winter and give one the hope that spring is just around the corner.The Mimosa trail is a spring time happening, from around the 15th of January until the 15th of March. The hillsides along the route, which runs along the line of hills behind Cannes up to St Tropez and

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December 23, 2011

How to Live a Good Life: Simply Being Yourself

There are some people who try to change themselves in the belief that this is the way on how to life a good life. In order to fit into a group of people, some people end up changing themselves. If you want to live the good life and achieve happiness, simply being you is good enough. Perhaps you can change for the better but not change yourself just so others will accept you.

People should accept you for you who are and not who you pretend to be. Pretensions do not last long and this is the reason why some people do not achieve happiness. There are times that you get lost in your own charade that you do not know what is right and what is wrong anymore.

So the advice is always to be you. You are unique and you are a beautiful human being. Pretending to be someone that you are not will not bring you happiness. If you will notice, there are some people who are lost in their own make-believe world. Some of them may actually be successful. But there will always something that they feel is missing in their lives. That is happiness.

We are made to be different from each and every one. We have our own free will and we can do whatever we want. But if we want to be happy in this world, we have to be careful in the choices that we make. Living a good life is sometimes not easy because there are so many things in this world that can distract us to our journey to happiness and living the good life.

Being yourself will help you express more. You can convey what you want and you can get what you want in life because you very well know what it is that you want. You may think that this can be done easily. The truth is there are people who are afraid to be themselves because of the fear of rejection. So they set up a wall and only allow a few people in. These people are not happy at all. They have very few friends and this person can even have difficulty trusting others.

One key to happiness is by trusting yourself. There is no one else in this world who knows you better that yourself. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You know your limits. Nothing can be very beautiful than being yourself. So face the world without a mask and see the difference.

Learn more on how you can live a good life. There are more things that you can discover in life. All you have to do is take command and be your own boss.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Buying Wind and String Music Instruments Online

Torn between having to choose from buying wind and string music online or offline? Here's a tip - go online first. This will give you a better idea of the possible options that you'll come across later on even when you decide to purchase offline instead. In fact, by going online, you can expect to take advantage of benefits like free delivery, discounted prices, greater number of choices, and such.Before you start exploring the online market however, there are a few things that you'll want to take care of first. Things like:The type of wind and string music instruments: Regardless of whether

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December 22, 2011

Don't Postpone Your Dreams

Do you really know what your wishes are? I mean your true wishes? Those dreams that you wish with all your heart would come true?

If you don't know what your true dreams are, then it is time to find out. In case you are aware of your wishes, it is time to take action NOW. Never postpone fulfilling your dreams!


Since 2003, I have wished to visit Japan; however, I haven't gone yet. And now I don't dare to go anymore because of health issues. It wasn't possible to predict that there would be a day when circumstances wouldn't allow me to go there anymore. Why haven't I gone to Japan before?


In 2005, I was in Verona for the first time and watched two operas in the Arena di Verona. Since then, I have dreamed of going there again; however, I haven't gone yet. Every year, there is a reason to postpone my dream. Verona isn't that far. I can go there next year, I tell myself. But next year never becomes the present.

Take your chances

These are just small examples of how you can miss fulfilling your dreams. Things can become worse: An important person dies or becomes sick, circumstances change dramatically and make your dream impossible, you miss great opportunities, and then you don't have a chance anymore. You won't get your chances back. You can't reverse time.

Looking back from the end

Imagine the last days of your life. You look back at your decisions, and at what you have done with and in your life. What are the things that you enjoyed most? What dreams did you have, and did you make them come true? Did you follow your own path, or did you live your life according to someone else's opinion of what you should do with your life? You will be your own judge!

Do it now!

You need to find out what your heart's wishes are. Then you realize your wishes. What or who can keep you from getting what you want? There is nothing to lose. Take your first step now. Don't postpone your dreams. Nobody can take away what you have already experienced.

Carpe diem! Seize the day!

Andrea Brigitte Klee
Author and Speaker
My Blog:
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Twitter: andreaklee
Facebook: Andrea Brigitte Klee

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Offshore Access Industry in Layman's Terms

Thriving Business One of the fastest growing industries of the moment is the offshore access business. The offshore access industry comprises of companies that enable their clients to move personnel on sea, for example, from a moving vessel to a stable oil platform. The companies operating in the industry make more profits every year, and therefore the offshore access industry has become very attractive for investors. However, the offshore transport industry can also be a bit hectic and complex for outsiders. The purpose of this article, therefore, is to provide you with the basic information

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What Is Bee Shamanism?

The honey bee has lived with humans for thousands of years. According to the American Museum of Natural History in New York, there was an amber fossilized of the world's oldest known bee. The amber itself has been dated to be 80 million years old, but the bee itself might be more than 65 million to 135 million years old. This is due to the fact that the animals that produced the amber came from a family of early crawlers.

Some scientists believe that bees are as old as the first known flowers. Bees and flowers have a very special relationship. These little insects help pollinate most if not all known flowering plants. There are fossil records of leaves, flowers, pollen, and bees together. Bees have been producing honey, and pollinating flowers even before humans ever existed.

So how did our ancestors get the idea of gathering and eating honey?

There are couple of theories. Some say our ancestors were always in the trees, and happen to find hives there. Other scientists believe that old hives would drop to the ground and would have honey burst open.

Although they might argue how our ancestor were able to get the idea of eating honey, they all agree that it wasn't only honey that early humans found useful.

They know that we also took part in eating the pollen, propolis and even eggs of the bees. Some native aboriginal people today in some parts of the world still eat directly from raw hives.

With this diet of bee by-products people got sick less often, and the benefits of these wonder foods, were used by kings, pharaohs, and emperors throughout history.

In ancient Greece, people thought that bees were the products of a mystical marriage between hornets and the sun, that was approved by God Olympus.

Many ancient and religious texts mention the honey bee as the helper of man. From the Bible, the Talmud, the Torah, and the Koran, and the scrolls of China, writings of ancient Rome, legends of the Russian people, and even in the book of Mormon, all talk about how nutritious and beneficial honey and pollen is for people.

No wonder a type of bee religion developed. This bee religion is called bee shamanism. Some say this worshiping of the bee and hive started in medieval Europe. But according to one professed Bee Shaman, he says that bee shamanism developed concurrently throughout the world. Although, there is no centralized organization of bee shamans, bee culture developed in America, Europe, China, and Africa.

Characteristics of this interesting "religion" also known as "Path of the Pollen", is the worship of bees and living in harmony with the hive. As you can probably guess, most of these Bee Masters are bee keepers. They eat most if not everything the bee produces. For example, pollen, propolis, royal jelly, and the bee honey combs.

There was a recent study done on German bee keepers, and it found that most of these people were older than a hundred years. On close study of their eating habits, it was revealed that they ate raw honey, which is very rich in pollen, and propolis.

Bee shamanism is a very interesting culture. To learn more about this, visit my page on: " Bee Shamanism"

Health, Fitness and Wellness Expert Lang Know uses his experience with bee pollen supplements to help others who want to learn more about this natural wonderful supplement.

Now, he's revealing his top secrets to improving health with bee pollen, so you too can benefit from an increase in energy, and live longer. Go to and let Lang show you step-by-step, how bee pollen can help improve your health!

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December 21, 2011

It's False! 4 Common Myths About Birds

Remember when you were a kid how your mom told you, "Don't pick up the baby bird that fell out of the tree to put it back in the nest or it's mom will abandon it. Because birds are afraid of human scent." That's not true. Most birds don't have a very good sense of smell and could not detect human scent. Although, before handling the baby bird it would be best to determine if the bird is a nestling or a fledgling. Nestlings are featherless and fuzzy, and putting them back in the nest would indeed be helpful, because they are too young to be out of the nest. Fledglings have feathers and are old enough to leave the nest, and fledglings often spend several days on the ground as they learn to fly. It is best you don't carry them off to your house to care for them, because its parents are often nearby even if you don't see them. And they can take much better care of their offspring than you can.

You probably have also heard it said that, "you shouldn't feed the birds because your bird feeder should run out of food, the birds will come to depend on you could starve." That is about as true as you starving if the local McDonald's leaves your town. Although, if you are going out of town in extreme cold weather, a sudden disappearance of food, could be a hardship to them. May not be a bad idea to have someone fill your bird feeder while you are away if you leave town during icy and snowy weather.

Which leads to the concern "if I leave out my hummingbird feeder too long in the fall will I prevent the hummers from migrating like they should for the cold weather?" No need to worry. Hummingbirds know when to migrate due to hormonal changes in their body. These hormonal changes are triggered by the shortening length of daylight. The days getting shorter causes the hummingbirds to migrate. Leaving your bird feeders out too long in the fall will not cause the birds to miss their opportunity to migrate because they accidentally hung around too long.

We have often been cautioned not to throw rice at a newly married couples because a bird may swoop down and eat it. And as rice expands in water the bird will blow up. This is not at all true. Mary Jo Cheeseman, a rice expert at the USA Rice Federation says many birds such as migrating ducks and geese depend on rice fields each year to fatten up to have enough strength to migrate to their nesting grounds. "It's a myth. There is no reason why birds, including small song birds, can't eat rice," said Ned Johnson, a professor of biology at Berkeley. Johnson often gives lectures on feeding of birds.

Cassidy Frost offers a wide variety of stylish garden decor, from practical to whimsical. If you are looking for wind chimes, garden flags, Birdhouses, and Birdbaths, we have what you are looking for! Join us in creating a year round safe haven in your garden for our feathered friends.

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5 Ways to Ignite Your Inner Power

People ask me, "How do I take back my exclamation points?", and I know what they're really asking me how to take back their power. It's quite simple really. It's a matter of being who you already are. So why do we sometimes struggle with this?

Some people think that having power is a way to gain (or regain) control. But it's really about stepping back into our beingness, stepping back into our one unique strength or energy. Do you know what yours is? If you know me, you know my greatest strength is my optimism! So you don't have to do anything to have power. You just have to be YOU.

Let's take this a step further. Here are 5 things to know about your inner power:

1. Power is natural. What natural emotion were you born with? You may have to dig deep or it may be on the surface - but you were born with the seed of positive energy. See if you can spot it, then use that powerful energy to resonate with what you want to create next in life (because there's always one next step). It's very simple. We were born with power. No one can take it away.

2. Anger is the quickest way to give up our power. That situation we're angry about isn't the problem - it's that we have judgment about that situation that steals our power. Consider this: the most powerful people know, quite specifically, what they want. So ask yourself whether you identified a crystal clear objective from the beginning? Or did you get something you didn't want by default, that created a judgment? Somewhere in that anger is an objective that hasn't been honored yet. Can a new situation now be created, so the objective can be honored?

3. Power is a choice. Everything we do is a choice, but many of us have a habit of creating inner stories that disempower us. Those stories are often based on the past, and those disempowering stories don't help us... especially if we're called on for something greater in life! So if we're going to make up stories about a situation we're in, why not make up empowering stories? Why not find things within that situation to celebrate?

4. Our power is still there, even when our world crashes down. Sometimes, we may need detachment. Having no attachment to the outcome and trusting that, if we stay true to what's important, what ultimately happens will be right for everyone. In fact, it could be even better than we've imagined! Detachment is letting it happen, letting it flow, because there are any number of potentialities for how the outcome will evolve. It means not to worry, but keep a heightened perspective, so we won't miss an opportunity when it pops up. By staying centered in our strength and in our objectives, we'll be less likely to inadvertently create what we don't want (or remain stuck where we are).

5. Our power is still there, even when we feel stuck. "How long can I stay in one place?!?" I've asked myself that question, usually when I'm frustrated after push-push-pushing instead of being in the flow! The thing is, we can push but we can also flow. We can begin to create what we want, instead of being stuck in what we didn't have. Think about it: Those times when we've felt stuck, weren't we stuck in something we never had, going after something that would distract us from more important things... like creating something greater in life? Those seemingly stuck moments were asking us to evolve.

From surviving a home invasion to becoming an inspirational speaker and bestselling author of "Living Life As An Exclamation Point!", Rémy inspires audiences with personal anecdotes and stories of triumph. She's one of the leading experts in optimism, and creating opportunity out of obstacles. Rémy believes, "We all have at least one true passion in life... but more than that, we have a legacy. We weren't put on this earth to struggle or just survive. We were put here to express our one unique strength, and that uniqueness IS our legacy. But most people don't know what their legacy is, or that it's waiting to be fulfilled." Rémy helps you unleash the vision within, and bring your legacy to life through workshops, seminars, and custom designed challenges. Visit for 5 free videos on how to get unstuck.

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Electromagnetic Drag Units - Alternative Energy for Alternative Worlds Considered

Okay so, the use of fossil fuels on the moon may not be a very wise choice to drive around moon buggies, or power up space colonies. Now there may be ways to get hydrogen, or previously locked in natural gas, or even coal gasification on the moon, I am not at liberty to know these facts yet. Nevertheless, it probably makes sense to use more renewables for a lunar colony than it does to use fossil fuels. Now then, let's talk about this for a second.

Since there is no real air pressure on the moon wind generators may not work all that well. Without the atmosphere solar panels might work okay, but then again they may not work as well as we might have hoped. Also, putting up solar panels on the dark side of the moon might not be that great as there are long periods of time between times of direct sunlight. Now then, I have a concept that I'd like to run by you, it's called an Electromagnetic Drag Unit.

How this might work is that a tower could be erected perhaps 50 meters high, and an Entergy-Tail could be extended made a very light carbon nano-tube composite, thus, the ability to float horizontally to the moon's surface. Or, perhaps there could be two towers with several of these drag units strung between each other. This would help collect electromagnetic energy, which could then power up the space colony. Since the moon would be constantly moving, the energy would always be there, and although it wouldn't be necessarily free energy, one could consider it to be the next best thing. And, yes, it would be completely renewable, and non-ending.

That would sure beat solar and wind, or other alternative energy exploits. It would also be easy to erect, somewhat easy to maintain, and it wouldn't really require much else. This of course would not work on a planet with a thick atmosphere, but we do know it works on tethered satellites, and there was an experiment done with the space shuttle using a similar concept with an Electromagnetic Drag Tail, or Entergy-Tail. If mankind is going to move to other planets, and put colonies on moons of other planets, we need to be thinking here.

Perhaps you might have other alternative energy ideas to contemplate, and maybe you might be the next Tesla to come up with an invention to help power up the future of mankind. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on the future of Space Colonies. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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Getting Started In The Commercial Laundry Business

If you have an interest in starting up and running your own business then have you considered running your own commercial laundry? It maybe that you have worked in the laundry business for years and now want to start up on your own, or that you are totally new to the business but have read up on the industry and are attracted by the ease of startup, market entry and good profits to be made.First things first, getting started in this business is not too hard as it is a simple business to set up and run. Whilst the initial start up costs may seem very high if you decide to buy all new laundry

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Clinging Tight? Maybe That's Why You Are Unhappy

Marge came through the doorway of my office with her arms wrapped tightly around her as if she was clinging to someone.

She sat in the visitor's chair never releasing her grip on herself. She seemed uptight, I thought, as though she can't let go of something or someone. I didn't realize how close I had guessed at the truth.

"How can I help, Marge?" I asked.

She said, "I am just not happy. I can't get past something to find happiness. I've tried meditation as you have instructed. I have given it patience and regularity. I seemed to be no farther ahead than when I first began. My mind is still muddled when I try to meditate. I am looking for answers."

Well, that was a bit of baggage, wasn't it?

She still never let go of her grasp of herself.

"Marge, did you realize that you are gripping yourself tightly with your arms?" I asked.

"What? Oh, I know. I don't know why I do that."

I took an arrogant guess by saying, "I think I know what you are doing. There is someone or something you can't let go of. That clinging is keeping you from finding happiness."

"I... I don't know...," Marge stammered.

I asked directly, "What are you holding on to?"

Marge looked at me with what might appear to be hate. She held that glare several seconds. Finally, her face began to soften by degrees. Obviously there was a real battle going on inside her.

"I can't forgive my mother for dying. She was just sixty-five. In her last years she seemed not to care about herself anymore and ate and drank to what I believe was an early grave. She was never happy in all my memories of her."

"You haven't let her go, have you, Marge?"

She snapped that look of what might be hate at me again. Once again her face softened only by degrees. Her arms loosened from around her just a little for the time first since she hove into sight.

"She was such a comfort. But I can't find any more comfort from her now that she is passed."

"You can't cling to a ghost, Marge. Give her up," I said.

We sat in silence for a minute or so. During that time, as if in a slow motion movie, Marge released her grip upon herself. Her hands drifted as autumn leafs falling from trees, it seemed, into her lap. Peace came to reside in her face.

I broke the silence by saying, "Now, follow the techniques you have been taught to discover happiness for yourself. I think you will have a better time of it presently."

She rose to depart and shook my hand and gave me a smile that expressed her gratitude, though she was obvious moved to speechlessness.

Here is a short course in finding and maintaining happiness. Develop a life of meditation or prayer. I believe there is only one way to contact the Source of All There Is and that is through a meditative connection with the Source.

Then maintain that linkage through regular use of the meditative arts. Notice, please, I used the plural, "arts." There are many ways to meditate so find one that fits you best. You may even want to experiment to find one that is best for you.

In that connection with the Source, you will find that you are totally and unconditionally accepted. There is your happiness. For there is nothing greater or finer than being completely and fundamentally accepted.

When you have found that happiness that passes understanding, you will have found the meaning of your life, I believe. Your meaning is to be happy.

That happiness, then, is played out in experience in the world. Your life-purpose is to experience. You experience by being in relationship to all you encounter - be that person, animal or thing.

Marge had learned all these techniques and ideas through her time in the community I lead. She was just so tied up in mental ropes because she could not release her mother.

When you cling too tightly to anything or anyone, you will not be as happy as you will without those attachments. Detach yourself. That is, do not cling so tightly that you stifle any other relationship - like with the Source of All There Is.

Start today to detach yourself from your "clinging" and develop a solid and permanent relationship with the Source of All That Is through the meditative arts.

This has been Dr. Bob 4 U, and I invite you to change your life for the better by claiming your Free Instant Access to a Force-Source-Resource. Just Click Here. Remember, one bit of information can give you a lifetime of satisfaction.
My Vlog:

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December 20, 2011

Winter Season Feeding For Birds

It is cold outside and it is getting colder by the day. With old man winter setting in and Jack Frost on the way, our little feathered friends are going to need us more than ever. Birds have become more and more dependent on people feeding them. The availability of food is severely limited when the winter comes. The days are shorter and the natural food such as insects are no longer available to the bird species.

During the harshest season of the year there has to be a provision of water, food and shelter. Some birds like woodpeckers, and other insect eaters can still get their food under tree bark and other sources. Unfortunately, the smaller birds like finches and cardinals depend on seeds, fruits and nuts. They usually have a territory that they are used to where they are supplemented with wild bird seed from feeders in gardens.

A lot of birds depend on us for shelter during the fall and winter and there has been a lot of controversy over this. Birds have always migrated south for the winter. The question is, if we supplement them with shelter and food, will this stop their normal routine of migration? After much review and investigation the statistics show that this is not so. Birds may have a reason for not migrating. Perhaps they were injured or caught in a snowstorm. They would ultimately depend on feeding stations to help them survive the winter.

It is very important to give thought to the location of the shelter. Make sure this place is secure and they are not exposed to predators. A few trees, preferably pine trees, will keep the birds shielded from cats and hawks that are constantly surveying the area. Another form of shelter can be the nesting boxes that are used for breeding during the summer. They are perfect for night time roosting and seed caches.

Not much consideration is given to the availability of water to these winged creatures. When is it is blustery cold and everything is freezing, what then? Streams and puddles and bird baths are frozen over. These little birds are trying to stay warm in the extreme cold and this problem can be solved with a little forethought. A bird bath can be filled several times a day to ensure that they have water. This may seem like a lot of work, but the reward is when you see your little feathered friends lined up patiently around the bird bath waiting for a drink.

When choosing a feeding station it is wise to make sure is it at least five feet above the ground. Feeders can be made from most anything you have available. Empty milk cartons or even soft drink bottles. Some people even divide them up into specific bird seeds to attract specific birds. Buying seeds in bulk give you the advantage of avoiding filler seeds, which the birds toss out. The important thing to remember is that the feeders need to be cleaned and maintained regularly.

More and more bird watchers are erecting winter bird feeders. The birds are depending on us to provide during the severe winter, and could perish from starvation if we are not responsible.

Bird seed can be found in supermarkets, pet food shops and garden centres.

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Business Is Not About Being Liked By Everyone

You have a big dream in your heart to get your message out to many people, and are terrified of the exposure, so you keep yourself a well-hidden secret, all the while knowing you could do more. This is a far too common situation for sensitive and spiritually-minded people, for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that the fear of being exposed and even burned (literally and figuratively) lives in our DNA as powerful women!

The problem with this is that the world needs you. The world needs what you have to offer, whether it is your nutritional counseling, your polarity therapy, your ability to create order out of chaos-whatever your particular gift is. Somebody will be helped by you and you alone.

It is really important to get this in your bones: NOT EVERYONE WILL LIKE YOU OR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY OR OFFER. This is particularly true if you begin to become more visible and successful. You will be projected upon. People will accuse you of being ambitious or greedy or any one of a number of things. They will throw their unfinished business onto you, and your job is not to let it stick!!!!

As women, this can be a very huge challenge, and facing into this fear of rejection is one of the most important and empowering things you can do if you want to create a prosperous business doing what you are meant to do.

Let's face it. Feeling connected is THE most important thing in the lives of most women. If someone doesn't like what we have said or a product or service, it can momentarily feel to the primitive part of our brain that our survival is threatened. It is not, but here are some ways you can remain connected to yourself and your truth, no matter what anyone says or does:

1. Get in the habit of using the following as a mantra: "What you think of me is none of my business!"

The spiritual teacher, Byron Katie says that there are two kinds of business: your business and God's business. Anything else is not yours! In other words, sometimes you just need to have healthy boundaries and put up a fence!

2. Every day, spend a few minutes getting clear about your main motivation for your day, and be sure that it is based on LOVE. This is different from setting goals, which is important. This is about the true purpose of your day. You could say it is about setting your INTENTION for the day.

For example, if your goal is to engage in profit-making activities, what is motivating you to do that? Is it to grow your business and forward your message (service) or is it because you are feeling afraid of not having enough (fear). Be honest. If you can see that you are coming from fear, there are many ways to press the reset button on your day, to shift from fear to love.

If you do this, and you are rejected or in some way find yourself on the receiving end of someone's wrath, you can check with yourself to examine your true motivation, and find that the momentary "ouch" disappears quickly.

3. Use a power tool for clearing during the day. What I mean by power tool is something like EFT (emotional freedom technique), ho'oponopono (an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness) or simply prayer-something that keeps you clear of all the countless energies that come at you during your day. This way you will keep your energy grounded and positive so that the slings and arrows of life will not penetrate too deeply.

Being a grownup is hard enough. Being in business for yourself requires another level of maturity and respons-ability that is worth the effort. After all, if God is your boss, your want to do the best job you can!!!

Kathleen Hanagan, LCSW, coaches committed individuals and business owners who want to make a difference into breakthrough terrain where they take quantum leaps to manifest the level of success they have been dreaming about. She combines her passion for relationship work, expertise in business, and her mastery in the emotional realm, with her commitment to expanding the consciousness of Oneness on the planet. Her unique mentoring programs, VIP intensives and workshops serve as a roadmap to support those called to contribute their gifts, by helping them release limiting beliefs and patterns and stepping into their brilliance, while manifesting genuine prosperity. Join her at, to apply for a complimentary breakthrough strategy session, which will pave a path to profit with a deep sense of purpose.

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False Shadows for UAVs Needed to Incite Fear in Terrorists

The other day, our think tank was discussing the need for future innovations in weapons technologies for the US military in their fight and war against terrorists. Indeed, I've always been of the impression that if the terrorists choose to terrorize the first world nations, and civilizations which believe in freedom, liberty, and democracy - then perhaps, we ought to be turning the tables upon them. Let me explain my thinking here.

Am I proposing that we terrorize the terrorists? Yes, that's exactly what I'm proposing, and apparently our UAVs or unmanned aerial vehicles and drones have been terrorizing Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and other radical elements that wish to do us harm. It seems that many species are quite fearful of what comes from the sky. If you look at small rodents, they are constantly looking up to make sure a Hawk, or bird of prey is not ready to swoop down and grab them.

Now then, I imagine our prehistoric ancestors would've been looking up in the sky to make sure that a pterodactyl wouldn't grab their children for lunch. In fact, I just bet that seeing the shadow of such a large bird or pterodactyl would have sent their heart rate soaring. Okay so, why can't we create false shadows of UAVs which would go up and down the streets in areas where Al Qaeda or the Taliban are known to congregate. If we did this they would stay inside and be afraid to come out, for fear that a hellfire missile might soon be raining down on them.

Is there a way that we can use a satellite to cast a false shadow on the ground in the shape of a UAV? It seems these days that we have made great progress in light sciences. We seem to be able to bend light, send information at the speed of light or even faster, and play with photons, and do all sorts of spectral imaging or create holographic images. So why not cast a black light or shadow upon the land? Why not use this to terrorize the very people who wish to attack civilians and kill innocent people as soft targets to make a statement, and use terrorism to serve their political will?

Would we be just as bad as the terrorists if we began to terrorize them? Well, we will must remember that sometimes you must fight fire with fire, and perhaps make the terrorists afraid of their own shadows, or the ones we project for them. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Weapons Technologies. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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Indian Visa Procedure - The General Requirements

India has stringent requirements on entry into the country and obtaining an Indian visa can be quite hard if done the wrong way. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs is responsible for issuing visas to foreign nationals for their visit to India.There is no provision for issuance of visa on arrival. The various Indian missions abroad issue visas based on their discretion against payment of a nominal, non-refundable visa fee.With borders across nations becoming porous, it is incumbent on each nation to verify the credentials of every foreign visitor who visits the country. The immigration

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Corona Produces Android And iPhone Versions Simultaneously

In basic language, Corona produces Android and iPhone versions simultaneously. Ansca's program, Corona, is used to create apps for both the Android and iPhone. iTunes and Android Market always list Corona developed apps in their top 10 categories.

iPhone and Android application development

Corona, for the price of $349 per year, will allow iPhone and Android developers to build an app and publish it as well in different formats available in iPhone and Android. Outsource iPhone developers and their Android counterparts do not have to be hired separately. By using the same developers for both platforms, time expended on developing and fixing bugs in apps eliminated. iPhone Developers can use their talents in broader ways.

Corona uses programming language that is much simpler than Java or C++ and developers tie Corona's basic language to English commands. It has been documented that an iPhone and/or Android developer can get a Corona-based game delivered in eight days, saving time and stress. Remarkable!

Games and Outsourced iPhone Developers

The current movie Dolphin Tale has a game app that is downloadable to the iPhone, iPad, and the Android system. The film's co-screenwriter, Noam Dromi, who also does the marketing, claims that without Corona, the games Dolphin Tale would not have been developed, and his incredible marketing ploy for the movie itself could not have been utilized. Create a game for an up and coming movie. Play the game; go to the movie. As Noam Dromi says, "The mobile phone is no longer an afterthought,"

Developing across platforms

Corona was developed for writing across platforms, iOS versions, and screen sizes. Outsource iPhone developers can write once and then transfer or build that app to iOS or Android at the touch of a button. Corona automatically scales content across devices from Smartphone and tablets.

Corona makes use of simple, but powerful APIs (application programming interface). This allows software programs to communicate with each other or serves as an interface between different software programs. Corona makes use of the advanced features in an API by using just a few lines of human-friendly code. iPhone developers use realistic physics in a game with just five lines of code. Allowing outsourced developers of the iPhone and Android phone platforms, developers from Indies (independent company or groups) to major studios can create chart-topping apps, games, and eBooks.

What outsourced iPhone and Android platform developers say?

In October 2011, one outsourced developed used Corona to increase the number of apps he/she produced from four to six. Corona is helping iPhone developers all over the world by showing the ease of creating apps. Corona's goal is to help developers succeed and to prove to iPhone and Android that using outside developers provides a cost savings, is original and can be fun.

Advantages of Corona iPhone application development

Top apps that mirror the content and the themes of major movies can be developed by Corona quickly. Corona also provides integrated support for in-app purchase, banner ads, and virtual currency. Monetize faster and easier than in the past.

No more cookie-cutter apps. When developing iPhone apps, Corona provides everything needed to go beyond the ordinary. No longer do outsourced iPhone developers have to use the code and programming other app developing tools use, developers can advance an app for the iPhone, iPad, and even Android platform by using Corona to make apps behave and look exactly how these you envisioned them.

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