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January 23, 2012

IBM Using Watson Super Computer to Categorize and Search Patents - I Have an Idea

Wouldn't it be great if we could use the IBM Watson Super Computer to become perfectly accurate, within 99.99%, as in Six Sigma proximity to rationalize the descriptions with the sketches? If so, we could use all of this data to train the Artificial Intelligent Super Computer to take an innovator's or inventor's voice dictated words or speech in describing a new invention, and then sketch it out for them. They say one form of human intelligence, seen in art, is the ability to take a 3D spatial thought and put it down onto a 2D piece of paper, or take a 3D visualized image and paint it or sketch it onto a 2D plane [Howard Gardner - Multiple Intelligence Theory].

Imagine the increased productivity of our most innovative individuals in this case? Yes, I am thinking of myself, I want such a system, but "there's no App for that!" Yet, anyway, however, I believe, I totally believe now, after considering all this that it is possible. Using the key words of the description the AI system could get extremely close, then the innovator would only have to make minor modifications. Imagine if Leonardo da Vinci had one of these back in the day, he'd still have his ability to modify things, but it would be 3/4 done just from his description and voice dictation into the machine.

Basically, it would draw his design, he could watch it before his eyes. Okay so, let me take this concept of mine to the next level, a way to go from conception to prototype in minutes or hours, not months and years. Once the description is drawn out 3/4 of the way, the inventor would make basic verbal command changes in the design and it would save the progress, just as the old Word Perfect did, then once completed the innovator would say complete, print to 3D Cad Cam design, and Holographic Image.

Next the innovator could interact with the hologram or light and make changes just as people do with gestures for Wii or on the iPad to turn pages. Finally, once totally happy with the design, a 3D printer could produce the model, mold, and prototype. Then lasers could cut any material that might be used to make the invention. Can you see what I am saying?

In this way we can have the AI computer working with and for the innovator, giving the inventor full-visualization from the spatial reasoning area of the mind to real life. Please think on this, in fact, if you'd like to email me, I have several other forward thinking ideas to go along with this simple one explained here for the future.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Military Technologies. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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