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January 14, 2012

Make Your College Experience The Best By Practicing Healthy Habits

College Meal Plans

So you're off to college, and you're thinking about making new friends, studying hard, and starting a new chapter of your life. However, this may be the first time that you aren't being food shopped for by a parent of guardian, so now it's up to you to make the right eating decisions. You may not realize the huge impact our eating habits have on our well-being, but when you are hitting the books and trying to maintain a healthy level of energy, knowing what foods to eat and which to avoid can make a huge difference.

Use Common Sense

Most people love pizza, fast food burgers, fries, soda, and so on. These items are loaded with fat and can create a short-lived feeling of pleasure when we are consuming them. However, making choices like this will leave you feeling hungry sooner, won't provide you with the right nutrients you need, and can lead to you feeling lethargic. Of course, eating a meal composed of these items once a week won't cause any noticeable damage. It's important to use moderation with fatty food items like these.

Staying on top of your school work can be difficult, and sometimes we may not get all the sleep we need. It is very important to try and maintain a regular sleep schedule because, while your social life may not see the point, your body is designed to follow a rhythmic pattern of functioning.

College students often resort to coffee or energy drinks to cheat nature, but both of these will cause you to crash after a short period of time. Consuming energy drinks too often can cause you to crave foods that you don't really need. If you eat right, drink enough water, and honor the needs of your body, you will have plenty of energy to tend to your academics.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

The freshman 15 is a common phenomenon that new college students worry about. Slight weight gain is not the end of the world, but it can also be avoided. It's very important to make sure you are eating plenty of the right foods. You will not benefit from depriving yourself of the proper nutrition.

Some people turn to diet products when trying to avoid weight gain but still wanting to enjoy the foods they love. Diet soda is a perfect example of this, and a little known fact about diet soda is that it turns into formaldehyde in your system. Soda in general is not a good choice of beverage, since it contains high fructose corn syrup, loads of sugar, and no nutritional value. Drinking water will have a much more positive impact on your functioning.

Take advantage of on-campus exercise facilities. Many colleges provide their students with access to state of the art gyms and fitness facilities. Exercising will help you maintain strength, a healthy weight, and will give you more energy to get through the day. You can use gym time as an opportunity to spend time with friends by scheduling a time every day to meet there.

Healthy Habits

Making the decision to adhere to the wisdom of the food pyramid and your body may be new to you when you arrive at college for your freshman year, but there's no denying the benefits of a balanced diet. Healthy habits, once formed, are easy to stick by and can simplify an otherwise stressful day. Students enrolled in universities for online Bachelors degrees should also be on top of their health and well-being.

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