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January 14, 2012

No Rules 101: The Key to College SUCCESS

Ah, a new college year. Few things are more exciting than the beginning of a new college year: new classes, new professors, new students, and new adventures. I remember the anticipation as I walked into a new class for the first time. I remember sizing up the professor, checking out the other students and eagerly awaiting and dreading the new syllabus all at the same time. How many tests will I have to take? How many papers will I have to write? How many times can I miss class?

But I also remember the underlying pressure to figure out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life or, the more popular, who I wanted to be when I grew up. Let me save you some trouble now - you're never going to know what you want to do for the rest of your life so STOP WORRYING ABOUT IT!

Right now you may be saying to yourself, "But, that's not what my parents told me." Or "that's not what my teachers told me." Or "that's not what my best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend told me." Have no fear...Tonya's here! I'm here to debunk the rule myths that have plagued your life - starting with Rule Myth #1.

Rule Myth #1 - Your major will determine the rest of your life.

We all know that the days of working somewhere for 20 years are gone, but we haven't changed the way we go about things to reflect this. Of course, there are some people who find a career field and a job they love and are content staying with it, but they are an exception. For the most part people change their careers numerous times throughout their lives. I'm a great example of this. I've worked at a Fortune 500 IT company as a global marketing specialist, worked as a project manager for Goldman Sachs, been a caregiver in an Alzheimer's unit, taught college courses, been a diversity trainer, been the business manager for a used car lot, obtained a Master's degree, enlisted in the Army, and been a counterintelligence special agent with the Department of Defense, all after obtaining my bachelor's degree. And now I'm the President and CEO of my own business.

Despite my story and many like it, we still buy into the idea that your major in college somehow creates the path your life will take or that it somehow must. Now don't get me wrong, every step takes you somewhere. I'm not saying your choices don't have consequences, but let's be real about those consequences. The only thing your major in college determines, without fail, is the bulk of your course topics while you're in school. That's it. So choose wisely. Definitely get your degree. I'm 100% in favor of college and the education it provides. But, choose your major because it interests you. Choose your major because it affords you the opportunity to take the most number of courses that appeal to you. I took every course with the word "sex" in the title in college AND managed to work them into my educational plan. It can be done!

The guidelines and advice most of us enter college with are out-dated. I used to tell my students the best thing college can teach you is that the behaviors and attitudes you develop now will serve you - or disserve you - the rest of your life. If you abide by rules others create for you now, you're likely to continue that practice. Make college work for you and you'll learn how to make your life work for you. And remember...There Are No Rules!

Tonya Dawn's heart and soul lie in two things: her family and her passion to change the world. She and her husband, Justin, founded TJ Recla. Her vision is to "Change the World by Redefining POWER."

Using their academic achievements and years of counterintelligence experience, they built a company that provides vital information for individual and organizational success.

Tonya's books, The 3-Day Abundance Challenge and WAR: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Power and Safety, provide practical, easy-to-use tools and are an essential read for anyone who wants POWERful, positive change.

From her experience as an Army soldier and US government spy-catching counterintelligence agent, Tonya delivers POWERful cognitive, emotional and physical tips.

Tonya's campaign "Live in the Pink!" is her testament to living life in awareness and harnessing the POWER in each moment.

Don't miss an opportunity to hear her story and take advantage of the training she designed to help individuals declare WAR on their fears and Live in the Pink!

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