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January 5, 2012

Winning The Future and a Futuristic Look at Innovation in America

Come one, come all - it's time to innovate - everyone big and small. Indeed, I do not disagree but I realize that order is tall. It is time to win the future, stay ahead of the competition, and reassert the United States of America as the greatest innovative force known to mankind. Look what we've built, what we've accomplished, and there is nothing we can't do; as Americans we inherently know this. But isn't it time that we walk the talk? Well then, let's discuss this for a second.

There was an interesting article in Time Magazine (US Version) titled; The Future of Innovation: Can America Keep Pace?" by Fareed Zakaria on June 5, 2011, which stated;

"The first step to winning the future is encouraging American innovation." That was Barack Obama in his State of the Union address last January, when he hit the theme repeatedly, using the word innovation or innovate 11 times. And on this issue, at least, Republicans seem in sync with Obama. Listen to Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich or Mitch Daniels and the word innovation pops up again and again. Everyone wants innovation and agrees that it is the key to America's future."

Now then, personally I really like listening and reading what Fareed has to say, he's a wise gentleman, and yet, I have some comments of my own. First, I ask if all these so-called "Politicians" really want to lead the charge in innovation, then why aren't they busy removing regulatory barriers and reducing the bureaucracy so that small business entrepreneurs can innovate, invent, and bring these new ideas, concepts, innovations, and inventions to fruition?

It seems, we have far too many politicians taking our tax dollars and throwing them into pet projects, political friends, and throwing the money around like it is water. All the while they set up more regulations, more bureaucracy, and more barriers to entry for the entrepreneurs and innovators who are making it happen on the ground floor. Perhaps it's time for all the politicians to shut up, for the government to get out of the way, and to allow the entrepreneurs and the free-market system to do its magic.

If the government wants to foster innovation, then we as the American people should agree to fund pure research. Once that research reaches a pinnacle, or it is discovered by entrepreneurs as a viable, or having market potential, then that information, new knowledge, and innovative insights will be taken to the next level without subsidies or government funding. Seriously, that's how the free market works, but unfortunately the academics and politicians don't know this, because a good many of them have never participated in free market capitalism. Please consider all this; it's time for America to innovate!

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Innovation in America. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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