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January 29, 2012

Newly Drawn California Congressional Maps Face Opposition

With the California elections round the corner, work is moving fast on the redistribution and redrawing of the congressional district boundaries. By way of this redrawing attempt, the government seeks to ensure that all members of the populace, who share common interests - both social as well as economic, are put together in a single district.

As a measure to ensure uniformity in this attempt, an independent 14 member panel was created in 2008 by the voters. This voter's panel has created its first draft of maps after taking into consideration these factors as well as the recommendations of the Voting Rights Act counsel. However, despite taking such elaborate care, the current draft has become controversial, with a former Republican congressman and four others challenging it.

According to former Mariposa Republican, George Radanovich, the current redistribution of districts is in clear violation of the Federal Voting Rights Law. He and his associates have also alleged that the current redrawing of district boundaries has been made with a clear mandate of protecting three African American persons currently serving in the area. These include three Democratic representatives, namely Laura Richardson, Maxine Waters, and Karen Bass. Incidentally, it is their districts, which are under dispute in this current suit.

It is important to note that the former Republican had filed a suit against these maps earlier in the State Supreme Court. The State Supreme Court decided not to hear the current suit against the redrawing of these congressional maps, without actually giving a reason for the decision. Accordingly, the Republican Radanovich has approached the Federal Court by way of filing this suit, which is pending decision.

While responding to this federal suit, the Redistricting Commissioner Stan Forbes, who is also the current rotating chairman of the panel, drew attention to the independent nature of the panel, and how voters played an important role in its creation in 2008. He further went on to state that the commission had redrawn these districts only after total consideration of all factors, which included taking due counsel. Vouching his support for the redrawn maps, he stressed how he believed them to withstand all and any opposition that might come in their way, including the current legal challenge.

With the federal suit still pending for decision in the Federal Court, only time will tell whether the new congressional maps will hold good or not. Until then, it is definitely going to be an interesting topic that experts will continue to debate upon with much fervor.

Explore more about California politics, please read more of my articles on political contributions California

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