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January 22, 2012

Simple Tips to Find Happiness

Happiness is something we are all entitled to, and even though some people might not admit that happiness is the true purpose of life, we all naturally spend our life time making efforts trying to find happiness. People have different definitions for what they classify as being happy, for some it's acquiring a fast convertible car, buying a house or traveling to exotic places all over the world. Bottom line true happiness has nothing to do with material things or our environment, but finding happiness that is genuine begins from within us. All the happiness that we need is within us already we just need to find a way to connect with it so that we can experience it in our daily lives. When you discover how to harness the true happiness that exists within you, you will surely radiate in all areas of your life and even people around you will start noticing how your nature transforms to a happy one.

Most people feel they fail to reach the level of happiness they desire when they don't reach their goals or when they don't acquire the material things they perceived will bring them happiness and so there is a popular belief that being happy is a hard thing to achieve. True happiness begins from inside ourselves and despite failing to achieve our goals or material things we can still live a life radiating with joy and an abundance of happiness. So here are some simple tips that will make your journey to exploding the happiness within you an easy way of life.

Take responsibility:
First things first, your happiness is your own responsibility, unless you make the decision to be happy no matter how much motivation you get, or material things you acquire you will never be happy. Most people blame other people for their own luck of joy, which should not be the case cause what other people do, is just what they do, but the decision to be happy is a choice that is made by you and not them. Having a happy mood is contagious and by accepting or believing that you can never be happy unless someone does something for you, then you will always be in a constant state of sadness, since you will be depending on what other people do to make you happy. This kind of mentality will make you weak and needy and am sorry to say this but you will drive people away from you and make yourself sadder. You can choose to blame others or be responsible for your own attitude and believe that you are happy. Take responsibility for your own happiness, being in control means you have all the power you need to create any kind of situation that you desire including finding happiness.

Always be grateful for what you have. By being appreciative you will be paying attention to how blessed you are and the more you feel blessed the more it will be easy to tap and find the happiness that exists within you. By being grateful we keep away things that spoil or wreck our moods. When the car wont start be grateful for the money you have in your pocket that will enable you to take the bus, be grateful for the bus driver, be grateful for the road and everything you come into contact with. You don't have to walk around thanking people everywhere but just say it to yourself.

''Thank you for the food, I am grateful for my shoes.''

Gratitude is a big ingredient for happiness; gratitude is the key to shaking off our circumstances and accepting the happiness that comes from within us. When we are grateful we stop competing with other people or with life and so even our attitude changes to a positive one. Being grateful is the key to being your own reflection and the way to finding true happiness by accepting what you have and who you are.

Spend quality quite time.
When we don't take time to listen to our inner voice we will often miss the obvious signals that we have within ourselves to take a certain path that will lead us to more happiness. Always take some quite time to relax. Meditation is known to be a popular practice to finding happiness. Because when we meditate everything within us is relaxed and the body takes time to repair both our exhausted minds and body. Having too much stress whether from work or illnesses by finding time to relax and meditate slows down our body mechanism to a state that puts us in touch with our true inner being. And that is where everything we are looking for exists, in the calm of things within us.

There is no better way to say this other than what Anthony Robbins likes saying, ''We all have a need to contribute'', life is designed for us to contribute and when we don't do so we die. That is just how life is, we all have a need to be appreciated, and that's what drives humans to contribute. There many ways one can contribute to find fulfillment, you can help someone who is in need, volunteer at your local youth club and mentor some kids, or offer your services at the soup kitchen. Charitable people are among the happiest people on earth. You don't have to build a school in some developing country but simple things like visiting the elderly at their homes and mowing their lawn will reveal hidden treasures of happiness that have always existed inside you. So contributing to society/humanity is one way of finding happiness by extending a kind hand to others.

This is no brain-er, people in love are generally happy people and this applies to all aspects of your life. The more you love the more you will find happiness. It could be your family, your spouse, your kids or grandparents, it is without a doubt you will attract more joy. Another aspect that applies to love is doing the things that you like to do. If you don't like your job, then find one that you love. Most people spend their whole lifetime in a job that they hate, therefore being unhappy all their adulthood. Find that job that has always been your dream or career that you love and stick to it because you will be doing what you are in love with and enjoying doing it. One way of coming to terms with this is finding your childhood dream and following it. Never feel stuck doing something that brings you sadness, whether it's a job or a relationship you can always find one that you will be in love with and this will bring you much joy.

Forgive and forget:
Without forgiveness you will always remember issues that made you sad in the past thus hindering you from being happy. Without forgiveness you will always be stuck in the past. By forgiving we let go of bad experiences that took place, forgiving actually helps ourselves more than the people or situations we are forgiving. So always forgive yourself and forgive those who hurt you then forget and move on to create a more happy future.

Spend time with nature:
Nature has a way of balancing and correcting itself. When you are faced with too much stress, just taking a walk in the woods or walking on grass can relieve so much stress in one's body. There is a great feeling of attachment to nature when one takes a walk on the grass bare feet. This is just one method of experiencing the power of nature in your daily life. Do some gardening, take a walk on the beach, seat out and stare at the moon. These activities have a way of creating calmness within us. A body that is stressed out can never experience full happiness, so take time with nature to balance your energy. With time you will learn to find calmness and a sense of accessing happiness by appreciating and experiencing nature.

Pray and meditate:
Praying is a way to being in touch with our creator. Over time we lose touch with our origin and through prayer we get to trust in the higher being that lives in all of us. Meditation is another form of relaxation and searching our inner soul. People have been transformed tremendously through meditation because it gets us to the inner level of knowing what is really going on in our minds. Through meditation you can discover the deep feelings that have been preventing you from being happy. Meditate regularly and you will truly see the transformation to finding happiness.

Smile more:
Scientist discovered the positive effects of smiling many years ago. Smiling relieves stress, keeps you younger and even keeps some illnesses away. The more you smile the more you find many things to be appreciative about. Laughter brightens up people and brings people together. People naturally are attracted to smiling faces, everything will be easy and people will find you adorable to be around. No one likes a sad face the entire time smile more and happiness will find you.

Stay positive:
Without being positive we tend to worry too much. Worrying too much is harmful and more the reason we should always stay positive. When we become too negative we start thinking about things that we have no power to control, thinking about things we can't change. But by being positive we are driven to take action that will bring us the results that we want. And by getting the results we are looking forward to we become happy with our achievements. There is really no bigger point that this when it comes to finding happiness. By simply staying positive we are driven to more fulfilling actions that bring us more happiness.

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