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January 19, 2012

8 Ways To Reclaim Your Childhood

Life passes by and light speed and before you know it; you're sitting in some cubicle, pounding out reports, fighting through traffic, and plopping on the couch, your brain numb to the stresses of everyday life. However, you don't have to be a victim on the rat race, here are eight great ways to reclaim your childhood and keep your life fresh and fun.

1. Lighten up and laugh will ya!
For God's sake, stop taking life so seriously. There is absolutely no need to over think and over analyze it. Life will go on regardless of what happens to you in the course of a day. So don't sweat it. Everything works out in the end.

2. Get moving!
One of the biggest problems for most adults is the time to exercise. But, it is vitally important not just for your physical health, but for your mind as well. There have been a ton of studies to the benefits to physical fitness, but one of my favorites is that when I go tobogganing with my son, my body isn't aching all over after a few trips downhill, and I actually don't feel like I'm going to pass out after climbing back up.

3. All you have to do is dream!
Don't let being a grown up make you forget that there is still a whole life ahead of you, and you can choose to change your direction anytime you like. As we age we learn to become cynical and pessimistic. However, as long as we have dreams we have hope. And quite frankly... I'd rather be hopeful than not.

4. Reward yourself.
In this day and age, where costs keep rising and our pay stays the same, there is no better time for us to reward ourselves for work well done; goals achieved, and just plain being a good person. Splurge and spoil yourself.

5. Get a hobby.
So what do you do with your spare time? Do you go home and watch TV all day? Do you spend all your time cleaning the house, running after your kids, and running errands? You don't have to do it all you know. Find sometime during your day to spend time on the things you want. Learn a hobby, take a course. Whatever you do, don't do anything. You'll become resentful.

6. Be uninhibited.
When we were young, our world was our oyster because we believed we could be anything we want. Fear and experience have taught us to be cautious. Perhaps too cautious sometimes. Sometimes you need to just say, "Screw it! You only live once!" That is the mentality you have to adopt. While you plan for your retirement, don't forget to live for the moment too!

7. Put down the laptop, turnoff the smartphone.
Being connected is great for so many reasons, but there are times where you just need to be in your own space, unavailable to every call and email. Remember, when we were kids, there was only the telephone and the postal service. We got by then; we can certainly get by for a day, or a weekend without the distractions and stress being connected can bring.

8. Pig out every now and then.
One of the things I love about my son visiting is that I eat everything I shouldn't. Piles of ice cream, pizzas, candy... you name it. And do you think I fell guilty about it? Not a chance! I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to have fun, by being all "adults" about it! Let yourself go every now and then. Have a good time and stop worrying.

Feeling young starts in your mind. It's how we view ourselves, that is reflected into the lifestyle and habits we adopt and become. We don't have to be burdened with the stress of life.We can only control what we can, and everything else will work itself out. No matter what your situation in life, we all have a reason to reclaim our childhood.

When we were young, the world was our oyster because we believed we could be anything we want. Fear and experience have taught us to be cautious. perhaps too cautious sometimes. Sometimes you need to just say, "Screw it! You only live once!" That is the mentality you have to adopt. While you plan for your retirement, don't forget to live for the moment too!

Elliot Zovighian is a life coach, speaker, author, blogger is the owner of EZ Lifestyles, a life coaching company from Toronto, Canada. His daily blog offers articles and advice on such subjects as life skills, work and career, relationships, parenting, featured videos and more.

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