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January 3, 2012

Staying Awake to the Magic of Your Life

Do you ever forget that your life as you know it can change in the blink of an eye?

I certainly do... And so much more often than I care to admit.

In today's world, it's far too easy to get completely wrapped up in the "busyness" of the day's activities. The minutes turn into the hours until we arrive at the end of our day wondering what happened to all that time. All of a sudden, another week has gone by. Eventually, the past year ends up feeling like a blur as time slips through our fingers.

I remember being asked a while back how my weekend was and finding myself on a Tuesday struggling to think back to even know how to respond. My heart sank. I felt guilty, even embarrassed, that I had been so absent during mine that I could barely remember what had transpired, while she, on the other hand, was so enthusiastic about how amazing hers was. It was a beautiful opportunity to reinvest myself in my intention to no longer allow the speed of life to have it's way with me (at least not all of the time) so that I am able to complete each day with as few regrets as possible.

Without being faced with a life-threatening situation or illness, we can often fall asleep to the privilege of our existence and take for granted the clean running water we drink all the way down to the miracle of each breath we take. It actually scares me how easily this happens and how much I could potentially miss when I don't truly honor, embrace and take full advantage of what it means to be alive, to have a body, to have the health and capacity to create what I desire, to move, to love, to feel, learn, and play.

The obvious fact that life, people, or circumstances can change in the blink of an eye is not blatantly obvious to us on a daily basis and, therefore, requires our vigilance if we desire to lead a life not only with minimal regrets but with the utmost delight and reverence. And so, I ponder regularly how I can stay awake to and more fully engaged with my moment-to-moment experience so that "life doesn't happen when I'm busy making other plans".

I invite you to give your life and yourself some extra attention pause from time to time, to look up and take in your environment, and to give the beauty around you your time, respect, and appreciation. Indulge in some deliberately deeper breaths or an experience that would bring you delight. After all, we never know how many more we will have, right? Really, it's true. And yet, how easily we fall back into our routine, our sleep-walking, our rushing to get our tasks done so we can move onto the next activity of our day.

Don't let the magic of your life go unnoticed today.

How do you stay awake to the ephemeral nature of this breath, this person you love, this gift of life?

And how will you show up for your precious life today?

Questions? Comments?

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Salona loves supporting busy, professional women and mothers who are struggling to have a sense of purpose and awaken more passion in their lives.   Her mission is to inspire women around the world to express their fullest potential while leading radiant, enriched lives. As a coach, Salona employs a variety of approaches to help women intentionally create an authentic life of their choosing - one in which they feel more inspired, make more empowering choices, and enjoy long-term fulfillment and peace. 

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