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January 26, 2012

Prevention: Better Than Correction

Imagine you are driving too fast on a highway and you skipped a signboard "Historical Place Ahead". Does it matter for you? Definitely not, because such signs are placed half a kilometer before, and chances are that you might see that historical place yourself.

But what would you do if a danger sign "Dead End" is gone unnoticed...? Similar to above example, our lives are full of indicators, from fuel gauge of our cars to battery sign on cell phone screens; we are being notified almost at every step of our life. Fuel gauge and battery sign both have some tolerance level and appropriate actions need to be taken at right time otherwise your car engine and cell phone both will be switched off.

You may need to bring some changes in your attitude and approach in order to be a preventive-oriented person. Some approaches that can be adopted are:

1) Timely Identification

The best time to address any problem is when they first arise. If a problem is identified at its early stage, you can spot full range of outcomes and plan your actions accordingly against each outcome. I believe that nothing happens at once and every event gives you a pattern before its occurrence. Every problem signs various indications at different stages.

2) Be Realistic

Once you identified any problem, grasp the true source of the problem and learn from it. Be realistic in expecting outcome of any problem.

3) Don't be Daydreamer

Maintaining daydreaming can intensify the explosion of the problem. Some people are habitually ignorant of problems. They assume that problem will go away itself and will never comeback. I call them the "Innocent Stupid" on Earth. Never satisfy yourself with words like

- No one will ever know it. It's off-the-record.

- It's fine, everyone does it.

4) Avoid Fake Problems

Don't be so proactive to identify fake problems - The Pseudo Problems. For example, you are delivering a presentation and you mispronounce the dignity name. Don't feel embarrassment and never consider it a serious issue.

5) Take Responsibility

Jet Fighters usually fly in clusters. They are trained to follow their squadron leader. They perform maneuvers as of their leader. So, bring out that squadron leader in you and prepare yourself to take responsibility.

- Your boss will see if you can handle the situation.

- Your subordinates might look to you for guidance.

- Your colleagues wait and watch your actions.

6) Wait & See Approach

Sometimes a successful project seems to be a failed project because we were unable to address tiny issues timely and adopt wait-and-see approach. This approach can bring some serious problems for you. For example, if a person starts behaving differently, don't ignore. Identify the fault lines and if something is going wrong, fix it. Don't be habitual in delivering after deadlines.

7) Create Richter scale

If you see any indication, map all possible outcomes from the most innocent harmless possibility to the worst situation. In this way, you create a Richter scale that registers everything between worst and best case scenarios. Advantage of this approach is that if you are prepared for the Worst Case, no matter what happens next, you are controlled

Author: Mujtaba Mehmood

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