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October 3, 2011

Become a Success - Why?

Lately, I'm hearing all kinds of talk on the radio, TV, and in print about how the wealthy aren't paying their fair share of taxes. I couldn't disagree more!

The wealthy, successful people are paying the lion's share of taxes and are carrying this country on their back. There are a whopping 46% of people in this country who do not pay any federal taxes. It's time for the lies to stop. It's time for economic truth to takes it place. The truth is "Raising Tax Rates" on anybody has a negative effect on "Revenue to the Government". Raising tax rates, especially on businesses, business people and the wealthy, has a negative effect on business which in turn causes business to lay off or not hire people, which in turn results in less tax payers and less revenue to the government. During the Kennedy, Reagan, and Bush II presidencies; "Tax Rates were Reduced" and the government received "Increased Revenues"!

It's really very simple. Government is a non-producing entity, while businesses are a producing entity. Government takes money out of the economy and business multiplies the money that's in the economy.

I tire of seeing ignorant (I'm not saying stupid, foolish, or unlearned) people of the opinion that business people are evil, greedy, and only want to destroy the environment. It's time for a little honesty and reality when it comes to the environment. To begin with, species are going extinct regularly and have been for thousands of years. This is not to say that we should sit back and let every species go extinct regardless of their importance to the environment's well-being. However, just because a certain species will go extinct, in and of itself, is no reason that a business should be denied a right to build or for a homeowner to not be allowed clear land. The reasonably concluded benefit of the species must be weighed with the benefit of the business to the community and country. It must not always be a slam dunk that the species wins out with no further analysis.

I for one, am very thankful that we have those evil, greedy business people around to provide charitable money to many diverse charities, as well as volunteers at hospitals and fundraisers for good causes, not to mention starting businesses that pay taxes and hire people who become tax payers and are able to provide for their families.

What I fear most is that business people may decide that they've been taxed enough and that they don't see any reason to stay in this country. Unless we encourage businesses to stay by offering incentives such as tax breaks, hiring incentives, and streamlining the process of starting a business, we may see the American way of life destroyed.

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