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October 3, 2011

How Important Your Thoughts Are In Achieving Success And Changing Your Results

Do you know that your thoughts control your life in a truly profound way?

Do you realize how crucial your thoughts are in relation to the results you're experiencing in life?

You have the ability to control your thoughts all day long, but hardly anyone exercises this control, though, and they end up forfeiting control of their lives to circumstance and the natural world.

Thoughts are the building blocks to an emotion. Thoughts can be accepted, rejected, or originated within the conscious mind. The subconscious (or emotional) mind -- the part we have no direct control over -- must accept whatever thoughts we allow to permeate it.

The subconscious mind takes the thought and associates an appropriate emotion to it. This emotion is expressed through our bodies in the form of vibrating energy.

As our body's energy vibration acclimatizes to the current emotional state we're in, the Law of Attraction states that we'll attract like events, circumstances, people, and things into our lives that are vibrating in harmony with.

Therefore, if you're at a vibratory rate conducive to the thought of lack and limitation, you'll notice that, soon enough, the universe will, indeed, respond to the frequency this thought puts out. You'll come to notice yourself deprived of certain aspects, possessions, or people in your life as a result of being in this negative vibration (due to the emission of these limiting thoughts).

On the flip side, if you think about your dream life and picture it coming true, the creative forces of the universe will make the changes necessary to manifest this thought into physical existence. If you put full, unwavering faith into the universe and know that your ultimate dream/vision will come true, then it will! Allowing yourself to use your conscious mind to think and imagine these visions will put you into an appropriate vibratory rate to eventually make them so. While nothing ever manifests instantaneously, as mentioned, the commencement of a process has begun to bring whatever it is you thought about, indeed, closer to you and eventually, into your life.

Once thoughts -- be them negative or positive -- are emitted into the universe, they fill the creative substance present in all corners of infinite space. This substance moves in accordance to the thoughts impressed upon it and starts to make the necessary changes to bring our thoughts into physical reality.

Any thought made and allowed into the subconscious mind simultaneously penetrates this creative substance. Therefore, it must be ensured that our thoughts are positive and our emotions are
the same.

The universe operates in a very orderly fashion. Expanding your knowledge on this subject and implementing action to ensure the universe works for you and not against you is vital if you desire the attainment of success.

You have control over your thoughts. You, as a human being, have infinite potential. Start realizing this potential, and choose your thoughts wisely. As you think, so you shall be.

Matthew Cluff is a leading life success expert specializing in human potential and growth. He assists individuals achieve success by helping them master the Law of Attraction, the principles of success, and the inner workings of their mind. For more free success training, visit

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