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October 30, 2011

Are You The Success You Ought To Be?

Greeting's everyone. It's another nice day to learn something new. How is everyone out there today? I am feeling outrageously phenomenal! Ha, you thought I was going to say nice, didn't you? I feel even higher than that. And you should too. Why am I so excited you may be thinking? No explicit reason. Simply just because, for the most part. Anyway, as the title asked... Are you the success you ought to be? Let's think about this for a moment. Really, are you? Are you the success you ought to be? Some of you will jump and say, "no, I'm not," promptly. However you just may be. Continue reading on before you answer so quickly. You will understand where I am going with this.

Before you answer that question, let's take a glance at the word "success." What does it really mean in terms of how the dictionary defines it? Success comes from the Latin word successus, which suggests outcome. The dictionary defines success as a noun:

1. The favorable or prosperous termination of attempt or endeavors.
2. The attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
3. A successful performance or achievement.

So currently we all know the definition of success, as what we see on TV. And that would be a correct form of success in terms of the dictionary. It's not the only form though. You see number 2? Further reading of the dictionary definition of it, it sounds more to me that success is subjective. Therefore success is how YOU outline it. First we all know it's a noun. We know that a noun may be a person, place, or thing. The noun here is SUCCESS. So who defines it? Haven't you been listening? It's YOU. No matter what "thing" you would like it to be. You define what success looks like. Duh!

Once again the definition says, "The favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors or the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like." In alternative words it means no matter what you have set off to attain. If you achieved it, you're a success. What is that thing you desire? Are you doing what you planned to do? Is it a better relationship with your loved one or parents? Serving to others, writing a book, or maybe doing volunteer community work? What about some employment you wanted to get? You get the point.

In today's world the media has portrayed pictures of what success is (lots of cash, massive homes and fancy overpriced cars), but per the definition it's not simply just that (unless that is how you determined success for you). Just do not be fooled by what you see on TV to be all success is about. I am just opening your eyes in this article to take a deeper look at what you really want and go after it. Success doesn't mean an enormous house or a luxury automotive, or a bunch of cash unless that's what you outlined success to be for you.

I'm solely observing that you simply don't have to be compelled to have those things so as to achieve success. Do what feels right for you. It is the reason why you have to make a plan for your life or someone else will. To me, the true Dream is achieving ones passion for life, to measure abundantly and freely within the time within which we are blessed to possess. Therefore I raise the question again. Are you the true success you ought to be? I believe several hands are rising up right now saying YES. If you are still saying NO, my question is why do you feel that? And what are you doing to change it?

If you are not a success, create a plan, take action, and become a success, as YOU outline it, not the planet. Anything your mind can conceive you can achieve. Notice I didn't say it'd be simple. It won't. You may and will fail repeatedly before you learn what to do to succeed. You will have some bumps within the road, however you will get there if you do not stop and quit. Simply trust yourself. I believe in you and therefore you ought to too! You may be thinking you don't know me so how can you believe me in. It's a very simple answer...the human mind. I believe that in every person lies the potential, the passion to be anything and do anything they want to do. That is how I know you can be a success. You can do it right now and you will do it once you set your mind to making it happen. You just got caught up in the process of making a living instead of designing your life!

If you follow my blog you know I end most of my articles with Best of Success. You can go to my blog at The Entrepreneur Blog. I have many articles as well as from the community that will help you through your journey. Best of success is what I want for each and every one of you, the best that success has to offer. You deserve it. There is so much abundance for everyone to enjoy. The world is not scarce. Too many people live in fear of running out. Change that mindset and your habit will change. When your habit changes so will your actions. Once your actions change, the results you get will change and you will walk with a different walk and talk with a different tongue. The minute you understand this, a different world will open up to you. The best of success that you desire and simply deserve will be a reality for you and your family.

"There is merely one success - to be able to pay your life in your own manner."-Christopher Morley

Best of Success!

John A. Calhoun
Entrepreneur and Author,
The Internet Phone

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