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October 22, 2011

President Obama Says the Republicans Want Business With No Rules - That's a False Charge

The other day, I was listening to one of President Obama's stump speeches as he jet set around the country in Air Force One soliciting campaign contributions for his 2012 run against the Republicans that have the higher approval ratings. President Obama said something very interesting when it came to over-regulation, and the cries from the business community.

He said that; "Republicans want business with no rules!" That is simply false, that is not true, and all of the small businesses, and the corporate executives that I know, and I know quite a few, just want a fair shake, and they are;

Tired of the duplication of rules and regulations at every level of government
Tired of the double jeopardy of lawsuits from private sector and government
Tired of Consumer Extortion
Tired of Competing with Foreign Firms that Don't Follow the Rules
Tired of Crony Capitalism, Unbalanced Playing Fields, and Government Picking the Winners

It is really unfortunate that we have a President of the United States who has never run a business, and perhaps never even run a lemonade stand for all I know. You can go into any small business in your town, talk to the owner, and verify what I've said here in this article. You can ask them to see all of their licenses, permits, and registrations. Most small businesses have no less than 20 pieces of paper showing that they are legitimately allowed to run their type of business on that premises.

Many folks that have never run a business don't understand, they think running a business is easy and all you have to do is get a business license. But that's not really true, you need all sorts of other licenses, and you have to pay all kinds of fees, taxes, and the harassment, well, it really never stops. Further, on any given week you might be visited by several regulators from various agencies at the city, county, state, and federal level.

In fact, it's amazing the amount of micromanagement the government does, and all the enforcement that goes on. The federal government is perhaps the most arrogant of all, because they believe their rules trump every other jurisdiction, and they act as they have the power to shut you down on the spot. The way the legal system works in this country, they actually do. Still, we are a nation that believes in capitalism and free enterprise, including the right to free contract. It is amazing how the federal government has infiltrated its way into every single transaction that we do.

If we truly want jobs back in America, we are going to have to lighten the load on our small business community with regards to all the regulations. Since President Obama has been in office the regulations have increased, not decreased. And Congress, the regulatory agencies, and even the president himself through executive orders have done nothing more than stifle free enterprise and commerce. Excuse me for saying so, but that's just totally unacceptable.

It additionally, the arrogance of President Obama to make such a statement and to label the Republicans as wanting to allow businesses to run with no rules whatsoever is absolute poppycock and utter hokum. Of course, it makes sense that a socialist leaning president would use such a populist message, and class warfare categorization to promote his own personal agenda and political career. But as I said; it's simply unacceptable. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new highly-charged and provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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