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October 22, 2011

Life, Happiness and Peace

In a life that spans years, seeking happiness is imperative and for many it is the only end. After survival, that is what a human being strives for the most. However, happiness is subjective. What may be happiness to you may just be the opposite for somebody else. All through your life, you would travel on roads that are bumpy and smooth at the same time. It is your character that will help you lead your life in the best way possible no matter what the situation is. If you can cope up with the hard times and take care of your emotions in good times, you will lead a happy and peaceful life.

You lead a life that is always taxing on you. A person (a man or a woman) has different responsibilities at different phases of life and they are asked to fulfill them. For a man, he first has to be the ideal son. Later, he has to be the ideal husband and then what I personally think is the most important duty of being the ideal father. Likewise, a woman has to be the ideal daughter, wife and mother. Why I'm discussing the different stages of a person's life and allied responsibilities is for the reason that I personally believe that if one can enjoy and find happiness in their responsibilities are surely the ones en route to peace and contentment in life.

If you as a father, mother, husband, son, daughter, etc., are fulfilling your responsibilities then it is obvious that you can find peace in your home, cease all conflicts and most importantly live a happy and content life. Being honest to myself, I've at times run from my responsibilities and ultimately landed myself into a more menacing situation than I thought I would be.

If a farmer fulfills his responsibilities to plough his fields in the cruelest of weather, he can come back in the evening and see his kids going to sleep with food in their stomach. If a mother doesn't look after her daughter properly, she is very well ruining her future. If a father doesn't counsel his son and teach him the lessons of life, he wouldn't develop into a man with nerves of steel.

Hence, if all of us can stop complaining and running away from our responsibilities and fulfill them with utmost passion and commitment, we are surely en route to lead happy and peaceful lives. And as they say: "He is happiest, be he King or peasant, who finds peace in his home."

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