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October 6, 2011

Pure Jealousy and Greed Is Behind the Poor's Hateful Attacks on the Wealthy Minority

Sometimes, I find it rather ironic that folks will call themselves the poor minority, when in reality the majority of people are lower middle class and soon to be poorer as our illustrious leaders dig us deeper into a socialist hole. After all, there are 45 million people on food stamps and 50% of Americans pay no income tax. Here's an interesting thought for you, a "What If" scenario.

What If - we took every person's car that didn't pay income tax or was on food stamps and sold it, then took that money and gave it to the Federal Government to pay for the social programs we have in the US?

What If - we then went into their apartments, homes, or domiciles and took their TV, microwave, refrigerators, air-conditioning units, etc, and sold those too.

Did you know that the average poor person in the US has a VCR, DVD player, computer, smart phone, microwave, large TV, and air-conditioning unit? It's true [cite: US Census]. Let me tell you something, because, I just so happen to have some royalty and Mayflower lines in my family tree. None of our ancestors including those privileged enough to be Kings and Royalty had computers, TV, DVD players, iPhones, automobiles, etc.

Further, those who happen to fall below the "new threshold" of quote; "Poverty" in America are living far too well to get free-stuff from the government, and it is generally these so-called poor who collect the most in government services and social programs, and take up most of the Federal Budget. So, when I hear someone claim;

"Those 'rich people' should pay more taxes!"

Well, I look at them and think to myself;

"No, those who are demanding more free-stuff from the government ought to be paying more taxes, and not sponging off the minority."

And, yes, the rich are the minority in this nation, and the gap between rich and poor will only grow until those who skate buy without paying taxes are made to sacrifice like everyone else. Why is the growing majority willing to condemn the rich-minority to higher taxes, that's un-American, we shouldn't pick on minorities.

Why should the few who are rich, pay for the many who are poor, why should they sacrifice and be penalized for working harder, saving more, and making prudent financial decisions by those who've volunteered to economically enslave themselves and decided they don't want to work to provide productivity into the system?

Voting for free-stuff, or for a politician who promises to tax the rich by changing the laws, is basically using the government to steal from others to get what these voters covet, want, or desire rather than saving and working to purchase those items themselves. You know what, that's pretty lazy, after all, if folks who are poor, greedy, jealous would just go and steal what they want from me, we'd all save a lot of trouble.

Why do those who are greedy and jealous want to hire the government to come and steal from me? After all, the government wastes 45% of all the money it distributes in the administration of that distribution. It's true, the IRS in fact, spends 45% of the money it collects, just in the collection of that money, guess how much the social services agencies spend in distributing those funds to people who are not producing or paying taxes [cite: eHow Money].

If a so-called poor person with a TV, DVD player, air-conditioning, iPhone would just come steal from me directly, we could then cut out the middle man, tax man, and Federal Government altogether you see. I've heard people say that;

"The rich people owe it to the poor to take care of them!"

But why, and who on Earth told them that? Why do people feel entitled to what someone else has earned? There is only one solution to all of this run-away socialism and that is to "Tax the Poor Majority" and give it to the rich minorities. Of course, as soon as I turn-the-tables on this little scheme, everyone cries foul, but why I ask; fair is fair right? But it doesn't seem so fair when the government wants to come into your bank account, home, paycheck, and take your money, assets, and re-distribute them does it?

The reality is that the socialism makes everyone poor, it always has, and it's never worked long-term anywhere it has ever been tried, and it's been tried quite a lot throughout history. Of course, today, we white-wash history, and study a false history in the interest of political correctness rather than calling it what it is. The

American voters whether rich or poor should understand that socialism is a disaster for this great country, and they ought to understand that nothing is truly "free" - there is always a price to pay, and we will end up paying that price sooner or later regardless of what some politician reads from their teleprompter.

It is pure greed behind the push to tax the rich, which is ironic seeing as that is exactly what those who pay no taxes and collect free government services call the so-called "rich people" - they call them greedy for not wanting to pay more taxes. The reality is there are far too many able-bodied individuals who just don't want to work, and rather like the idea of getting more stuff free-of-charge from any government agency or politician willing to promise it. I suppose that is human nature to want to get the most and do the least, but it is also rather troubling this premise that it is somehow owed - it's not owed.

If you want something, you need to get off your butt and go work for it. These hateful, hurtful, and racist comments aimed towards the rich are very un-American, as we live in a nation with unlimited opportunity. The only way to bring this into focus and to teach the American voter, electorate, and citizen a lesson is to tax the ever-living crap out of the poor, until they finally understand that how dishonest, deplorable, and disgusting it is to over tax any group in this country, including the wealthy and upper-middleclass minority, whose numbers are shrinking.

Remember Margaret Thatcher's famous comment; "socialism is great until you run out of other people's money to spend." Wake up America, and kick the socialists out of power come the next election.

Yes, there are some folks who "truly" cannot help themselves, but the true number of those who truly need help is small enough that those needs can be taken care of at the local level, not from big-government which wastefully spends our tax-dollars, wants to control every aspect of our lives, and is willing to steal from those citizens who produce and give it to those who do not, cannot, or will not.

If you believe that the rich should pay a higher-percentage in taxes than anyone else, then may I suggest that you look in your mirror, be honest with yourself, and admit you are a greedy, jealous, and angry socialist? It is okay if you are, that's your choice, but why not come out of the closet and put a bumper sticker on your car telling everyone that you are indeed a socialist, filled with hateful animosity towards those who produce, achieve, and have been prudent with their money.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank.

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