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October 5, 2011

Take Your Business Mobile!

If you have been alive in the past decade, you may have noticed an extreme surge in mobile consumers and users. Mobile media has become a widespread and easily accessible method of connecting with consumers and potential clients.

While you may not understand the fundamentals and inner workings of the mobile market, it is very important to address is as a necessity and not overlook it's potential. Mobile technology is sure to be around for years to come, so ignoring the medium is a big mistake as far as marketing and web hits. People are increasingly using their smartphone browsers to explore the web. If your website isn't optimized for these smaller screens, you could miss out on a lot of web traffic and potential customers.

The medium is not only going to increase in users, but is quickly becoming a standard in information exchange. Ignoring mobile media could mean ignoring more profits and opportunities to connect with your target market.

If you are completely overwhelmed and unfamiliar with mobile media, there are still some things you can do to capitalize on the benefits. If you are more adventurous, you can really harness the potential and benefits of reaching mobile consumers.

Be sure your website is optimized for mobile screens.
If your website is not mobile-friendly, consider having it redesigned or optimized.
Create an iPhone App or other Mobile Application to connect with new customers and offer your content/products.
Don't ignore mobile advertising. There are profits to be made and with more companies and websites going mobile, it's important to optimize your marketing strategy to include the mobile users.
Engage with customers through social media. Most people have a mobile device and use it to connect with others through Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.
Use the medium yourself. Try to familiarize yourself with the smart phone and how it fits in to your consumer's daily lives. This will help you create a user-friendly mobile experience.

No matter which ideas you choose to implement, it still holds true that the screens in which we interact with our world are becoming much smaller and our consumers want info and products faster. Do your business a favor and jump on the mobile bandwagon while it is still an emerging technology.

It is important to stay ahead of the trends, and stay ahead of the pack. These technologies are here to stay, so don't be left behind. Start planning for your mobile takeover today!

Joshua F. Ballard
Helium Design Co.

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