You have to try!! You have to put forth the effort.
People come up to me all the time and say, "I'm frustrated. I'm not getting the kinds of results I wanted."
So, I ask them, "Did you try?"
They usually get all offended. "Of course, I try!" they exclaim. " I come to the gym every day...You see me here!! "
I nod my head wisely. "yep, I see you here all right."
They look at me and say, "And...?"
"Well," I reply, "I see you on the treadmill all right, but I also see you with a magazine in front of you....How can you say you're working out if you're reading a magazine? If you are walking on the treadmill so slowly that you can actually read, then you are not working out hard enough. No wonder you're not seeing the kinds of results in the gym that you want. You're not 'really' trying!"
I'm sorry if that sounds harsh to some people, but that's the truth. Trying means more than just showing up.
Trying means going all out, giving your everything into a particular project. It means putting in hard work, sweat, tears and in some cases blood.
That applies to anything. If you want to be a great piano player, then you need to try. You need to practice and practice and practice. At first, you are going to suck at anything new. That goes without saying, but so what? Everyone sucks in the beginning. Keep at it.
You want to lose weight? Get to the gym, put in the effort, the sweat, the time it takes to lose that weight. You want to be a great piano player? Find someone to teach you or find a good how-to book to or watch a DVD on how-to play piano and then practice and practice and practice some more.
Success depends on you trying. If you don't try, don't be surprised if you don't succeed.
Some people ask, "well, how long should I try for?"
Well, how bad do you want it? Keep trying until you get there. Try that. Don't stop until you reach the end.
If you want to lose fifteen pounds than keep working out until you get there. If you don't see results, then maybe you aren't trying hard enough. Put in more effort. If you are not sweating and out of breath then you are not working out hard enough!! Sorry, but it's the truth!
People these days want instant gratification. They want results right now. If they don't see results the first day or the first week, then they throw up their hands and say, "oh, what's the use! I give up!"
That's another thing. People give up too easily.
They see a fairly young guy like Justin Bieber and say, "look how young he is! He was able to become successful without any work at all!" They don't see the hours and hours and hours of practice that he went through to get to where he is.
They see Zack Zimmerman who became a billionaire before he was even twenty and people say, "look at him! He didn't have to try and look how rich he is!" They did not see the work and long hours of programming that he and his buddies went through. They tried. Sure, some people are simply more gifted as certain skills than other people, but even people who have natural gifts (playing piano, programming a new social network) must put in the effort. They may not succeed at everything they try, but they try at least and they succeed at some things when they do.
Success can come fairly quickly these days (it used to take people years, sometimes even an entire lifetime to achieve the kinds of success that Zack Zimmerman has achieved), but you still have to try.
There is no substitute for hard work! You want something? Then go after it and keep trying until you get there!!
Well, I'm Farley Drake and that's my two cents worth.
Farley Drake is a personal fitness trainer who has inspired people for the last ten years to lose weight and get into the best shape of their lives. He is also a writer who aspires to help people to reach for the stars in their own lives. There is no finish line in life. There are always more oceans to swim, more mountains to climb and more battles to be won.
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