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July 23, 2011

A Review of Advanced Thermal Treatment of Residual Municipal Waste by Gasification and Pyrolysis

thermal visionImage by kogakure via Flickr
New services and products are constantly coming online. It's hard to keep up with them all. Many of us are busy, need to allocate our time. We do not have time to consider the many new products. To head off being bothered by the low-quality ones we very often just ignore them all, feeling there's little or nothing worthwhile at hand. Normally we're right.

There are exceptions, however...
There are sometimes a very few that may be promising, might be worthwhile. For example, there's a product within the area of gasification and pyrolysis for residual Municipal Solid Waste Treatment which is left over after minimization of waste generated, re-use of waste, and recycling. It is in the category, referred to as Advanced Thermal Treatment. Also, the technology is described as advanced thermal conversion that combines the processes of pyrolysis, gasification and high temperature oxidation, that shows quite a lot of promise.

It's been dreamed-up and demonstrated by waste management professionals and entrepreneurs Compact Power, in Avonmouth, UK. So what have advanced thermal treatment engineers been doing to build awareness and extend its list of client customers? Well, generally it has been difficult to get further projects funded, due to a lack of government incentives to the industry to encourage innovative waste technologies.

Specifically, one can find three substantial benefits that set advanced thermal treatment, with pyrolysis, gasification and high temperature oxidation apart from the competition, 3 particular benefits that originators cite as being excellent. These 3 beneficial aspects are that there is very little waste that needs to be landfilled after this process, emissions are much more controllable from the smaller advanced thermal treatment plants that the supplier offers, and low odour production, very good (high percentage) waste mass reduction, small footprints suitable for location on industrial estates.

Listed below are the specifics on each:
odour is controlled by carrying out all odour producing activities in a covered buildinghigh waste reduction is achieved because a high percentage of the material is combustedsmall footprint local plants will be much easier to obtain planning permission for.

O.K. So that's the positive side. What exactly is there regarding the negative side for advanced thermal treatment? What type of weaknesses?
The primary end-user complaint that we've noticed is high cost, and plant breakdowns experienced with prototype plants.

Finally, advanced thermal treatment. also, the technology is described as advanced thermal conversion that combines the processes of pyrolysis, gasification and high temperature oxidation, seems worth it. A lot of purchasers seem to have made the judgement that it is not really worth its cost. For anybody who has use for its capabilities though, and if there was more government encouragement and incentives, it would probably be an excellent investment. It's worth taking a closer look.

You will see detailed information at: the web site.
Realize the best way to understand the large investment projects now underway in the UK, to comply with EU waste management related regulations at this Advanced-Thermal-Technology web site at

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