Wish you could alter you life in any way?Yearn to be more inspired?Have goals and dreams you haven't achieved yet?Long to make a bigger difference in the world?
Life's too short to be living with regret. Accordingly, it is important to spend time exploring and mapping out what you want in life. Writing Your Life Mission Statement
What is A Life Mission Statement? It is a personal written document which declares what is important to you. It clearly defines your goals, values and intentions which are then utilized to guide your life's direction. It enables you to plan your future, and navigate opportunities and threats which appear. It's the first step in creating the life you desire.
Here are seven key reasons why it is vital for you to write your Life Mission Statement.
Your Time is a precious commodity. It is a finite resource which, once used, is gone forever. Therefore it is vital that you utilise your time doing the things which are most important to you, and enable you to experience contentment on a daily basis.
It can reignite your purpose for living. It can enable you to dream, explore and consider what you want in your life. You can then create specific goals which you can plan and start implementing.It encourages you to create a holistic approach to your life. Having a Life Mission Statement allows you to incorporate all your key goals, dreams and aspirations in one place. You can then create an integrated approach which honours your key priorities and roles.
It connects you with your values. Knowing your values is paramount for you to feel contentment. They are your driving force for experiencing fulfillment, achievement and contribution in your life. Your values are your reason "why" you desire to be, do and have certain things in your life. They are your motivation for taking the actions to succeed.
You create a mental picture of your objectives. It gets you thinking concretely about what you truly want. It gets you looking at the specific details of what is important, what you want to achieve, and what the finished result will look like.It puts your ideas into written form.
Writing down your ideas gets your thoughts into words. It makes them more concrete and real; and gives structure to your thoughts. In written form you can read it regularly, allowing you to reconnect with it and talk about it with others.
It keeps your eye on the prize. Having your goals and ideas recorded keeps you focused on the big picture of what you are trying to achieve when challenges and obstacles attempt to derail you. It also keeps you connected to your intentions, goals and values.
Creating your Life Mission Statement is a vital part of defining the life you desire. It will also include aspects of making a difference and making money. So, if you really want to live a life of fulfillment, achievement and contribution, then you must write your Life Mission Statement.
Why? First of all, it connects you to what you most want in life. Second it centralizes your key life goals, values and intentions in one place. Third, it creates a readable document which can become a driving force to inspire you to take action towards your goals and dreams.
Remember that the clock of your life is ticking away. Use your precious time wisely by investing it in ways which honour what's most important to you.
And now I would like to invite you to claim your FREE instant access to my 5 Day Mini Email Course on "Getting Started on Creating Your Life Mission Statement" when you visit http://www.MissionInspiredWealth.com/Offer/5dmewym.
You'll learn the 5 key steps you should take to in writing your Life Mission Statement, to help you to bring your contribution goals into alignment with the rest of your life goals.
From Lisa McDonald - Mission Inspired Wealth and Health Pursuit
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