Learning and understanding your learning style, may help you to learn more effectively.
According to a recent report published by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 20percent of all college students experienced some kind of online instruction.
The volatility of the global economy have necessitated retraining for a large number of people. the act of balancing work,family,civic commitments,and school can be arduous. Online education
We are continually learning and in almost every situation, we are absorbing and processing new information. If you are among the millions who access the web, your are involved in learning online. The leap to a more formal world of online education that involves pursuing an online degree or continuing education in a virtual classroom is not extensive
One of the key indicators of online education success is the motivation of the student.Online students tend to be more motivated as they have a deeper appreciation of why they are engaged in the process and the expected outcomes. The other main ingredient is often designed and supported online educational program.
Advantages of online education
The popularity of online degrees have been steadily increasing over the last couple of years. The following may been seen as beneficial attributes
Flexibility:You can work around and when it fits your schedule. With an online course, you can login and work when it's suitable to you.
Accelerated learning; Many online programs have accelerated a traditional semester long course into eight weeks which may a bit more demanding.
Save time and money by not commuting: Not having to travel, even it is just five miles away can save an enormous amount of time and expense when you study from home.
Non physical contact can be liberating to some people.Many people are conscious and concerned of their physical appearance or mannerism.This becomes immaterial in the online world.
Online degrees may not be for everyone, but it is definitely a wave of the future. A few different formats may be adopted and the method in which the information is presented must be first examined to determine which is most suitable.
The most common design may involve reading materials, engaging in online discussions with classmates and submitting papers or projects at term end. The work is completed at your convenience, but with some established guidelines. Other methods include simply reading the material and taking the test with little interaction with others.
Instruction delivery in online education is now evolving and also includes reading materials, logging into a real time Web conferences to interact with instructors or peers. This method is becoming popular, but requires adjusting your schedule to accommodate the class.
There is some self assessment necessary in order to determine if you are a suitable candidate for an online degree.
1) Are you a self starter? Procrastinators may be at a disadvantage
2) Are you persistent? Computer crashes, lost data, broken fingers must not be able to stop you.
3) Can you work alone? Even though a lot of online work is done in groups, the majority of your time online will be independent. The ability to think independently will be of primary importance.
4) Do you manage your time well? Online education will require effective time management skills.
In addtion to the above mentioned requirements it is important to know your learning style and how it can be applied in your online education.
The internet is constant evolution as is education.
The benefits and advantages afforded by the internet are now being adopted in the education arena to create a paradigm shift in the way we learn...
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