If you look around quite deeply, you will see that there is much more to be happy about than we realise. However, more studies showed, more than ever before that there are quite a lot more people battling with wholesome happiness. It is true that every individual has a baseline of happiness which is carved naturally or artificially, but whatever your baseline is, you can decide now to be a lot happier, if you really want to be. It is good to note that being happy is not as easy as some people think, neither is it as free as the air we breathe. It requires a lot of skills, determination to be happy and a retraining of your mind and brains. It is a challenge that needs conscious effort, and must be seen as a priority if you truly want to be happy.
Happiness should thrive from your inside and glow through and all over you. It is drawn from within and carries its weight on your perception of life and your attitudes towards everyday living. This is not to undermine the fact that occasionally, you will be faced by some complex situations, in life.
However, meanings are given to such words as "complex", based on your perception of it. Training yourself to handle and overcome difficult times is the tool you need to keep you over negative emotions that spills over and lives longer with you. There is no such situation as impossible to overcome.
To help you build a happier life, here are some of the few simple things you could do. If you are already depressed or completely broken down, it may take some time but if you give it a try to become happy again, it will not take you long to realise that these were all you needed to lead a fulfilling and happier life.
Smile: Try smiling even though there is nothing funny or amusing. Try think of an event, a person or something you once smiled at. Think of a good time. Smile to people on your way, it's very productive and positive when you smile to people and it boosts your happiness levels and chemicals. Remember; making a habit of smiling is only a process to building real and lasting happiness. It is a really great tool.
Play: Do something fun. Try something out of the usual or just a bit extraordinary. Play games with friends; play alone on your pc or phone, play card games or just something a bit silly all for the fun of it. All these sort of activities will help free your mind of negative thoughts and release the burden of your worries. Listen to great music and enjoy every bit of the moment.
Have a good laugh: You will wonder how you could do a good laugh without naturally being happy but I tell you can. Don't forget that your aim is to become permanently happy or at least, be a lot happier in life than being unhappy. When you set your mind towards easing out your pains and problems, you will realise that you will generally let out the hard feelings as you voluntarily determine to make way for some happiness, thereby concentrating on some positive thoughts that will open up new channels to find joy.
Now, to more serious tools:
As earlier mentioned, you require conscious and deliberate effort if you must achieve the goal of being happy. Happiness should permeate from your inner soul through your mind, flourishing on your outer body, making you stress free. These tools are some of the more essential ones that you should gradually turn into your habits and hence, will forever stay with you. Gratitude-You need to take time to appreciate your existence, yourself and your everyday living. If you don't find anything worth being grateful for in your life, there are chances you may not have anything to improve upon. Look deeply, certainly there will be a positive aspect of your life that you will appreciate and in effect, this will spur on more discoveries of your special blessings. Appreciate your life, celebrate it and surely more joys will spring up. Nature is one thing you could begin to appreciate, smell its freshness, inhale its possibilities and soon you will find yourself in a brighter world.
Be true to yourself - When you are true to yourself, your uniqueness shines through to the outer world and tells truth about who you are. It helps you in identifying your real self, your weaknesses and your strengths and hence, helps you work on both for your utmost happiness.
Be a person of yourself - This in essence means that you should own your mindset, own your emotions your thoughts and your feelings. Carve your position in handling your situations. Think less about what other people will think about you or your actions. Follow your heart and follow what you know is true. A lot of people have subjected themselves to greater discomfort and unhappiness because they worry about what other people will think or feel about their behaviours, situations or actions and thereby concentrate on how to please the world. This is not the same as caring for other people.
Have a great mindset - This could mean having to change your mindset in terms of your perception of events and experiences. It is always good to have a right perception of things which ultimately puts you in control of your feelings, thoughts and actions. This may however need a change in attitudes, especially negative thinking because it breeds ill feelings. Learn to rid yourself of negative thinking particularly when a thing that may bring less happiness or complete trauma happens. Think rather of a solution. Think of positive ways to bring about change, think of the way forward, because if you sink into the grips of `perceived' negative event, you will never get a way around it, and this undoubtedly will worsen your situation. Try moulding your beliefs in order to positively manage realities.
Weigh your preferences - To live happily, you have to consider your choices. This includes preferences in terms of your physical and emotional desires. It has to do with skilful choosing and careful thinking. Your decisions must be tactful and well applied. As a matter of fact you have to make preferences over your temperaments, feelings and attitudes. For example, you could choose to be happy or not, you could choose patience over anger, you could choose contentment over greed. However for the final choices which give way for true happiness, you require conscious and deliberate effort.
Practice makes perfect - You need to realise the realities that grants happiness. They are the virtues you have claimed through calibrating your ways into those that promotes greater self-esteem, confidence, joy, fulfilment and perhaps comforting adventures. When you begin to work with these tools regularly, you will be amazed at how soon you become permanently happy.
Meditation - Meditation clears the mind and makes you stress free. It helps you answer questions right from your within and allows inspiration and right sense of thought to emanate from your subconscious. You can meditate sitting down or lying down. It is as easy as allowing your thoughts to flow without controlling them. Just allow everything to flow by until you have nothing to think about, and then begin to concentrate on your breathing and imagine your whole body relaxing.
This article is written on behalf of Writingcrafts - http://writingcrafts.blogspot.com/. A centre that helps promote and impart knowledge on personal development and seeks to support and assist individuals in active self growth and self actualization in order to lead fulfilling lives.We acknowledge that a little help is what is needed to make the difference and that is what we are doing. Check out our blog-(address above) for more compelling life changing materials.
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