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October 2, 2011

Why A Leader Needs To Be A Success Coach

Are you a leader? Well, here's a challenge for you! As a leader, you are a success coach with an awesome responsibility. How can you keep your team goal-oriented, motivated and coach them to success? Most importantly, how can you coach your potential successors to excellence and magnificent results?

Leaders are goal-oriented achievers: they know what they want, focus on it, and overcome all obstacles in order to get it. Can you ask yourself - What worked for me? - identify the process and repeat it for your team?

Perhaps it depends on how easy it was for you. Did you struggle alone? Did you have a mentor? Did you have models for success? Did you succeed to "show them"; "to prove it", in spite of all the obstacles? Did you move smoothly up a systemized ladder or did you create your own system?

Leaders know the motivators' hallowed principle of the written goals plan. Dale Carnegie, Zig Ziglar, Stephen Covey, and Anthony Robbins all stress the importance of the written goals plan. Can you attribute your success to your written goals plan? Do you know where it is now? Do you have bits in a drawer here, a cupboard there? Perhaps you just flew by the seat of your pants (miracles used to happen a lot more in the past)?

However you made it, you now know that once you have a team to build there needs to be a written goals plan. Leaders know that many people fail to set goals for a variety of reasons: They don't know how; they don't make the time; they fear failure; they fear success; they are too busy trying to please others and do what they think they are expected to do, rather than what they prioritize as important; or they have too many interests and activities, creating a sense of "busyness", but with no real focus or sense of direction. These people need success coaching and look to their leader for direction.

How can you make success easier for your team? Leaders have a responsibility to accelerate their team's success and minimize the struggle. The best success coaches assist their success candidates to set goals with a written plan and then allow independent pursuit of their goals BUT only within a framework of accountability. Independence can be dangerous if there is no system for ongoing feedback and self-correction.

There are four key capabilities of true leaders. They are: courage, passion, vision, and integrity. Courage is number one, because true leaders, high performance leaders, need to say and do difficult and controversial things, they need to face criticism, and they need to put their jobs on the line for what they believe is the 'right' thing to say or do. It takes courage to be a success coach but if you will take up the challenge, you will be the mentor your junior colleagues need. Think of a mentor you had and how grateful you are for their coaching!

Dr. Janet Hall is a psychologist, hypnotherapist, sex therapist, author, professional speaker, trainer, and media consultant. Dr Jan has authored eight books on family and relationship issues and recorded 42 =Ds/MP3s, many use hypnosis. She founded the Richmond Hill Psychology Clinic

Jan consults regularly with print media and is a frequent guest on talk-back radio and current affairs shows. Jan has a unique ability to encourage people to clarify their situation and solve their own problems with both heart (trusting intuition and feelings) and head (with logical analysis and rational prioritization). She believes that people deserve to feel empowered and allow themselves to be the best they can for the good of all.

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