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October 2, 2011

3 Areas Needed for Success

There are three areas that you must have to succeed. We'll call them X, Y, and Z. When you understand these secrets and start leading with this, things will begin to work. Embrace everything. Once you embrace it you own it, and once you own it you can change it.

X - Every one of us is born with a gift, a talent. We are here for a reason. That image, that reason is a rough diamond inside of you just waiting to be carved into something worthwhile. This diamond is your purpose, the reason you exist. You just have to find it. Then you have to cut that stone and polish it. It's only once the hard work is done that you have something of value.

Y - Action: This is more than just mindless action it is the way you take action, your integrity, your ability to follow through. This is the skills and the techniques you use. Aimless action is idiocy.

Z - Leverage: Leadership is the most powerful form of leverage. With leadership comes authority and people take you seriously and do as you say.

Many people just want the end result but the only way you're going to get it is by figuring out these three variables. To create true wealth and success that is fulfilling you need the whole package.

Your income is a byproduct of your service. You need to make yourself indispensable to society so when you die you leave a big hole and people say, "We lost a great leader."

Learn to apply leverage through authority. If you work on each piece as valiantly as you do the other things that don't matter you will become more valuable. You have to earn your success in order for it to be sustainable.

You are 99% there. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. Anyone who uses fear to make you feel like there's something wrong with you is probably trying to sell you something, and if they have to sell you through fear then you don't want to follow in their footsteps. Instead of trying to manipulate people inspire them.

Surround yourself with people who empower you and you will find that there is no competition because you are creating something. Your brand will embody certain values and people will feel good about it and will want to work with you.

Figure out who you are, what you want and why you do what you do and DO NOT settle for less.

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