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October 10, 2011

Resources for Development

Development Cycle

Development is unthinkable through 'government only' efforts owing to the limitations of resources, outreach and continuity. Though all of us in our own capacities are doing a great job for change in our spheres but tend to be doing so in isolation most of the time. It takes away the true potential of our individual contributions- No one can do it alone.

Development cannot be deemed as an isolated event; in fact it is a complete life process of individuals and communities. One part is linked to the other- Education to livelihood to healthcare and that to better choices, capacity to pay and the true growth and development. For example, On one hand poverty takes away capacity to pay and on other the poor communities are not lucrative markets; like education is value addition to overall growth while resources are essential for quality education and ill- health is the mother of depressed productivity and healthcare always has a price tag, so one is connected and dependent to the other as a continuous life process. The cycle of development has an inherent continuity and that is why it cannot be segregated into commercial and non-commercial or for-profit and not-for-profit or even social development and market growth.

The idea that development is some government or 'NGO' job only takes away its amplifying continuity. Hence the paradigm of multi-sectoral engagement and action for sustainable development requires change. It means further obliteration of the traditional gap between commercial and non-commercial entities. It also means understanding the 'true profits' and directly connecting the same with sustainable development. The paradigm change also encourages that the social sector should invite more of 'business-like' thinking and skill set. Likewise the commercial sector should struggle more to inculcate skills for sustainable/ dependable market development.

Resources- Financial and Non Financial

The above perspective also offers an eye to see a 'resource-strength' in everything and everyone around us. However it is important to understand that Man, Money, Material and Time are earned through exchange of value. Creating tangible/ measurable value is the trick of this multi-sectoral engagement. Let us see what this value exchange means.

People derive satisfaction from what they do and the source of this satisfaction is not money only. The argument is supported by the fact of ever increasing volume of volunteers regardless of recession or growth in the markets. This region still has to go a long way to capitalize on the value of volunteerism. Reforms in the Human Resource function are pivotal to add value to volunteerism. Voluntary time and skill contribution needs more structuring in terms of input/output, tasks and credentialing. The volunteerism must assume a very important place in all human- resource evaluations. Placement interviews should give more weight-age to voluntary contributions and volunteer work. It means creating measureable value for people to contribute their time, skills, energy etc.

Likewise the money contribution in the social projects is mostly seen by corporate as going into waste or non-core activity with no or immeasurable returns for their stakeholders. This requires forging partnerships that can tangibly demonstrate to have positive impacts on bottom line along with sustainable outcome for the served communities. For example the organizations those work for improving healthcare of children and those that are in the business of producing and selling services/ products for children are natural allies. Projects can be built between the two to address the underserved on one hand and create opportunities for livelihood and growth on the other. Thus service and business can get along and social impacts and profits can become flip-side of a single coin if value is shared.

Though financial resource is very important but the non-financial resource is most sustainable. Undoubtedly both are essential for effectiveness and sustainability. Openness and understanding that individuals and organizations carry some strength, and that they are willing to share the same, can create mutually beneficial alliances and partnerships. Like media can offer free space and time, pharmaceutical free or discounted medicines, computer software companies the training and software so on.

Finally in the given competitive environment developing regions have already been left behind in the agriculture and industrial market functions. At this critical juncture, the knowledge revolution could offer an opportunity and alternative model of human economic and social progress. Hence in the context of resources for development knowledge can be enlisted as one of the important element besides Man, Money, Material and Time.

NEW ALLIANCES- Participation of strength

The change and development agenda has to start from individual, from institution, from organization and thus from the society. And it is always short of achievements until the efforts of government are supplemented through recognized and effective forums. The magic of sustainable partnerships lies in the right recipe of participation of strengths.

There are organizations that have enormous potential to catalyze change within their immediate neighborhood given their financial and non-financial strengths. Likewise academia has lot to exchange in terms knowledge, skill and research. Development without an effective voice will always face lack of interest and participation. Therefore Media has a vital role to play in this mix. Thus to enhance the true potential of change for development an integrated and structured approach to combine these forces and pool the strengths is essential.

.take a moment and give your view/ input, thanks!

Syed Nasser Wajahat

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