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October 1, 2011

How Bad Thoughts Can Ruin Your Day

Everyone has impure thoughts because it will pop up in our mind before we realize it but when it happens, we should quickly get rid of it. It is harmful to us if we would meditate on these thoughts and allow it to fester. It not only can ruin our day but our lives as well.

It is a fact that if we awaken with bad thoughts going through our mind, mostly likely our entire day will be ruined because we would have started our day off on a down hill spiral.

Bad thoughts also have a domino effect, when one thought begins it will trigger others and before we know it, we would be thinking about things that happen years ago which does not have any references for the day.

We can be so engulfed in thought that we can begin to interact with it. We could put ourselves in a re-enactment of the event and play it out. This is not a good thing because it shows that we have not forgiven and forgotten. As long as we meditate on bad things, it would be like pouring gasoline on fire, which only gets worst.

Bad thoughts can effect our day because it will cause us not to be proficient. Our mind will not be on the things that need our attention.

It can cause us to be impatient with others. We are irritate in our mind and the least that anyone would do or say would further the irritation.

Bad thought can also cause us to strike out at innocent people. They do not know what is on our mind so they are only being themselves but because we are entertaining impure thoughts, we would strike out against them which is not fair to them.

Bad thoughts can also cause a slow response to what others are saying. We are not paying attention to what is said because our attention is not there and that would make us slow to respond.

Bad thoughts can ruin our day because it will prevent us from being organized, nothing would seem to go right for us and we might wonder why everything seem to be going wrong but it could be because of our thoughts.

Bad thoughts can cause physical damage to our bodies. It makes our heart race and has irregular beats and it causes our blood pressure to increase. We could end up having a heart attack or a stroke all because we have allowed impure thoughts to enter our mind and we meditated on it.

What can we do to stop meditating on bad thoughts? I believe that we should start our day off with prayer. We should purpose in our heart to do act of kindness to others through out the day and we should realize that not everything is about us. I also believe that smiling clears the mind and make us feel good.

If we would see well in others and appreciate it, then our thoughts would change because we would want to do good as well. When this happen the bad thoughts would end and the good will begin.

I am a Christian, wife, mother and grandmother. I enjoy helping and encouraging others. I am South Delta School District PTO President, Parent Supporter Task Force President and a member of the Parent Leadership Institute. My main hobbies are reading and writing books or articles.

My website is: I sell a variety of Christian Products such as E-books, Poems, and Teachings. Free weekly Devotions. Inspirational products like Crosses, Bible covers, Plaques, Figurines and more.

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