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October 11, 2011

5 Habits of a Successful Person

In order to be a success in life you first need to realize that success can only be achieved by integrating the habits of a successful person into your life. Whether you want to start a business, change careers, or find that special someone, these habits will change your life.

Here are 5 simple habits you will need to have as part of your life in order to be successful in whatever it is that you desire..

1. Set concrete goals - You can't be successful if you don't even know what you want. Setting a goal is important because you have something concrete to work towards. It will help you choose what to do next. Make this a habit by reviewing your progress and adjusting your goals regularly.

2. Take personal responsibility - Never blame your failures and current life circumstances on other people even if you have all the reason in the world to do so. Once you take responsibility for your life you will begin to see that you can control your own destiny. Make it a habit by noticing when you're blaming other people and correcting that thought by thinking instead "What did I do to cause this, and how can I make it better?"

3. Take action - We are sometimes paralyzed by inaction and too much planning and thinking. A successful person knows that any action is almost always better than doing nothing. Make this a habit by doing SOMETHING every day to move you closer to your goals.

4. Embrace failure - Success is always proceeded by failure. Instead of viewing something as a failure view it as learning a way that something won't work Make this a habit by consciously replacing thoughts of "failure" and "mistake" with a thought of "Well, I guess it won't work that way"

5. Self reflect and make adjustments - Some people would tell you to "keep going" and "never give up". While this is good advice it sometimes leads to people to prioritize their made up goals over their real and true goals of living a happy and good life. Self reflection means that you take the time once a week or at least once a month to ask yourself things like: Am I using my time effectively? Is there something else I need to be doing to help me achieve this goal? Do I even want this goal anymore?

Always keep in mind that living a good life is the only goal that's important in the end.

Check out my website on living the good life:

in particular my article on how to be a success:

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