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November 2, 2010

Obama looks to busy post-election season - USA Today

Except for some radio interviews via telephone today, President Obama's 2010 campaigning is done -- now he has to prepare for a busy two months to wrap up a busy year.

In the 59 days after Election Day, Obama makes two foreign trips, accepts the report of a special fiscal commission, evaluates his Afghanistan policy, and dickers with Republicans about the fate of George W. Bush's tax cuts.

The post-election agenda begins Friday, when Obama leaves for a major foreign policy trip with stops in India, Indonesia, South Korea, and Japan. The president participates in the G-20 and Asia economic summits, both designed to address the global slowdown, but with a key subtext: U.S. competition with rising competitors like China and India.

Obama is scheduled to return to the U.S. on Nov. 14. Less than a week later comes another foreign trip: A short weekend jaunt to Lisbon, Portugal, for a NATO summit. The main agenda item: The war in Afghanistan.

In the meantime, Nov. 15 sees the convening of a lame duck Congress that must deal with the Bush-era tax cuts that expire at the end of the year.

Obama wants to extend the tax cuts for the poor and the middle class, but let them expire for individuals making more than $200,000 annually and couples making more than $250,000; Republicans want them extended to all taxpayers.

Obama and the Republicans are also likely to clash over the best way to cut the budget deficit. The key date there is Dec. 1, when a bipartisan deficit reduction commission is due to make its report.

The president has pledged to call the Republicans' "bluff" when it comes to government cuts needed to balance the budget. Some Republicans say the commission is a cover for tax hikes that would be counter-productive in a bad economy.

December also brings another major foreign policy development: An administration review of its Afghanistan policy, a year after Obama authorized a 30,000 troop increase. White House officials have downplayed this review in recent weeks, however, and its not certain if the president will address the war publicly.

Obama still plans to begin a troop withdrawal process in July -- but that's next year.

One other thing on Obama's short-term agenda: Comments on today's elections. We expect to hear from the president on Wednesday or Thursday, and perhaps both days. Nothing has been scheduled yet.

(Posted by David Jackson)

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