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November 10, 2010

Gitmo detainee's NY trial moves into final stages - Wall Street Journal

NEW YORK — The first civilian trial for a Guantanamo detainee is moving toward the final stages in a lower Manhattan courtroom.

Deliberations could begin Wednesday afternoon at the trial of Ahmed Ghailani (guh-LAHN'-ee).

On Tuesday, his lawyer said Ghailani didn't know about a 1998 plot to bomb two U.S. embassies in Africa.

Attorney Peter Quijano (kee-HAH'-noh) said in his closing argument that Ghailani was a "dupe" and a "fall guy" for al-Qaida operatives.

In its closing Monday, the government called Ghailani a cold-blooded killer and terrorist. It said he bought a truck and explosive components for the bombers before slipping away to Pakistan.

The attacks in Tanzania and Kenya killed 224 people, including a dozen Americans.

—Copyright 2010 Associated Press

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