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November 10, 2010

Deadly Attacks Target Iraqi Christians - Voice of America

VOA News 10 November 2010

People gather at the scene of a bomb attack in Baghdad, 10 Nov 2010 People gather at the scene of a bomb attack in Baghdad, 10 Nov 2010

Iraqi Christians are coming under fire in a new string of attacks that has killed at least three people and wounded at least 26.

Iraq's Interior Ministry says militants unleashed a series of bomb and mortar attacks on several Christian neighborhoods across Baghdad.  Officials say most of the attacks took place within a two-hour period early Wednesday but that some attacks took place late Tuesday.

The attack comes just 10 days after a brutal militant assault on the Our Lady of Salvation church in the Iraqi capital lead to the deaths of 58 people, including at least one priest.

An al-Qaida-linked group - Islamic State of Iraq - claimed responsibility for that incident and has been threatening additional attacks against Christians in Iraq.

More than 30 survivors of the attack on the Our Lady of Salvation church have been flown to France for medical treatment.

French officials say the survivors will be able to seek asylum.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.

10-11-2010 XYZ (Canada)

Where is the outcry, the condemnation by the "peace-loving" Muslim leaders of these atrocities? Their silence says it all …

10-11-2010 Wally (USA)

Who says this is not a holy and religious war bewtwween Muslims and Christians?? Muslims demonstrate time, and time again that they have no tolerance for any religion except their own. In fact, they don't even tolerate different factions of their OWN religion!! This group is living 800 years in the past...



10-11-2010 Dale (usa)

Good thing that little backwoods church didn't burn those Korans we wouldn't want any necessary violence towards Christians.

10-11-2010 lisa (usa)

isnt it ironic... radical christians in america attack gays... and over there, redical al-qaida attacks christians. it may apples and oranges, but the end result is the same... It's totally wrong

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