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October 31, 2010

A state-by-state glance at Tuesday's election - Washington Post


ALABAMA - Republican Sen. Richard Shelby cruising to a fifth term in heavily Republican state. Republican Robert Bentley favored in gubernatorial race

ALASKA - Sen. Lisa Murkowski in unpredictable write-in campaign after losing GOP primary in tea party revolt. Republican Sean Parnell favored for governor

ARIZONA - Sen. John McCain coasting to fifth term after tough GOP primary. Gov. Jan Brewer also on track toward re-election. Four House Democrats in trouble.

ARKANSAS - Two-term Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln likely loser to Rep. John Boozman. GOP aims to win two open Democratic House seats.

CALIFORNIA - Former Gov. Jerry Brown leads Republican Meg Whitman in polls. Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer in close race with Carly Fiorina.

COLORADO - Sen. Michael Bennet and tea party-backed Republican Ken Buck in close race. Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper favored for governor.

CONNECTICUT - Competitive governor's race between Democrat Dan Malloy and Republican Tom Foley. Attorney General Richard Blumenthal favored over GOP candidate Linda McMahon for Senate.

DELAWARE - GOP candidate Christine O'Donnell never got traction in Senate race versus Chris Coons. Rare pickup opportunity for House Democrats.

FLORIDA - Marco Rubio coasting to Senate win for GOP. Democrat Alex Sink and Republican Rick Scott in fierce governor's race. GOP targets four House seats.

GEORGIA - Republicans favored for governor (former Rep. Nathan Deal) and especially Senate (Johnny Isakson seeking another term).

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