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October 26, 2010

Former Iraqi Foreign Minister to Hang - Voice of America

VOA News 26 October 2010

Tariq Aziz (L), former Iraqi foreign minister and deputy prime minister speaks to the Associated Press in Baghdad, Iraq, 05 Sep 2010 Tariq Aziz (L), former Iraqi foreign minister and deputy prime minister speaks to the Associated Press in Baghdad, Iraq, 05 Sep 2010

Iraq's top criminal court has sentenced one of the most prominent figures of Saddam Hussein's regime to die by hanging.

Iraqi state television reported the sentence was handed down Tuesday to former foreign minister Tariq Aziz for his role in the persecution of Islamic political parties.

The death sentence is the first for Aziz, who is already serving a 15-year prison sentence for crimes against humanity.

Aziz has said he is guilty of nothing more than being a loyalist.  He says he, personally, committed no crime.

Aziz surrendered to U.S. troops in 2003.

Saddam Hussein, his former boss, was captured in Iraq in 2003 and executed by the interim Iraqi government in 2006.

In an interview with the British Guardian newspaper earlier this year, Aziz said the U.S. invasion of Iraq had "killed" his homeland.

Also Tuesday, a bomb targeting an Iraqi deputy planning minister wounded at least three people in Baghdad.

A separate bombing north of Baghdad killed six members of an Iraqi army patrol.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.


When will Bush and Blair be put on trial?

26-10-2010 Bill (USA)

OK, so under Saddam this good Catholic was part of the secular ( no official religion ) he's being hanged...Shame on Bush! Shame on america for not minding it's own business..for allowing ourselves to be manipulated by Israel-First neo-cons, war-profiteers and Anglo-american oil co.'s!!


"The death sentence is the first (???) for Aziz, who is already serving a 15-year prison sentence for crimes against humanity." Sorry I don't understand this line. I heard from other sources that he had already been hung twice before.

26-10-2010 Metl (Canada)

Aziz was just a foreign minister. He could not commit "crimes against humanity". You cannot kill people for words "U.S. invasion of Iraq had "killed" this country".

26-10-2010 Metl (Canada)

Aziz was just a foreign minister. He could not commit "crimes against humanity". You cannot kill people for words "U.S. invasion of Iraq had "killed" this country".

26-10-2010 Metl (Canada)

Aziz was just a foreign minister. He could not commit "crimes against humanity". You cannot kill people for words "U.S. invasion of Iraq had "killed" this country".

26-10-2010 Metl (Canada)

When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist. When they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat. When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist. When they came for the Jews, I remained silent; I wasn't a Jew. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out. (Martin Niemöller, 1946)

26-10-2010 JAD (Canada)

I agree, he committed no crime, such a sentence is a joke. Hussein did the country of Iraq well for keeping it secular, now it has dissolved into factions of Islamo-fascists financed by Iran, fighting for control. This has de-stabilized the entire region, and furthermore has allowed Iran to gain nuclear capability.

26-10-2010 Olivier Desportes (France)

That's true, He's gonna die because he was on the loser side. This is not justice, this is revenge. Iraq now is no better than Iraq before.

26-10-2010 Tony (USA)

Wish there was more info on his crime. Is this execution just finishing the political show? Why so long for a sentence like this? Well I suppose it doesn't matter, he's done for regardless.

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