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October 25, 2010

Brown up against Whitman in California governor race: poll - Reuters

California Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown speaks at a campaign rally in Los Angeles, California, October 22, 2010. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson

California Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown speaks at a campaign rally in Los Angeles, California, October 22, 2010.

Credit: Reuters/Lucy Nicholson

LOS ANGELES | Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:12am EDT

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Democrat Jerry Brown has widened his lead over Republican rival Meg Whitman to 13 percentage points in the California governor's race, a Los Angeles Times/USC poll showed on Sunday.

Brown, the state's attorney general who served as California governor from 1975 to 1983 and is seeking a second crack at the job, leads former eBay CEO Whitman 52 percent to 39 percent, according to the survey.

In the same poll a month ago, Brown had a five percent lead over Whitman. According to Sunday's poll he has since picked up wide support among California's Latino voters following revelations that Whitman employed, and later fired, an undocumented Latina housekeeper.

The poll also found that with two weeks to go before the November 2 elections, three-term U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer has an eight point lead over first-time Republican challenger Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO.

Whitman, a billionaire political novice making her first run for office in a state with 2 million more registered Democrats than Republicans, has poured some $140 million of her own money into the race.

She hopes to beat Brown in a year when voters, angry over the still-sluggish economy and high unemployment, are expected to punish Democrats and incumbents at the ballot box.

California is considered a reliably blue state but has elected a string of Republican governors since the 1960s, including former President Ronald Reagan and current Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The next governor will inherit a state struggling with double-digit unemployment, a budget deficit of tens of billions of dollars and an unpopular, often gridlocked legislature.

The Los Angeles Times/University of Southern California survey was conducted among 1,500 people, including 922 likely voters, between Oct 13-20. The poll has a 2.5 percent plus or minus margin of error.

(Reporting by Jill Serjeant and Dan Whitcomb, Editing by Sandra Maler)

Who cares what the LA Slime thinks. Why would ANYONE EVER vote for Jerry Brown? In what universe it is acceptable for him to refuse to do his job as Attorney General and NOT defend our vote for Prop 8 in court? What kind of an idiot does that? If he thinks he can get away with a stupid stunt like that as AG, what will he think he can get away with as Governor? This state is in for a VERY rude awakening if it votes for Brown, just like we have been for electing the worst, most destructive President in history. Let’s not repeat THAT mistake, please. An old pot-head is NOT what this state needs right now to recover, especieally one who WON’T do the job he was elected to do.

klgrube Report As Abusive

Why would anyone vote for Jerry Brown, you ask? I’ll tell you. Our state government, where the majority of the legislature is democratic, cannot function with a republican governor. We already say what happened with Schwarzenegger. Horrible. Now look at the mess that we’re in. But out of his campaign, he wants to appropriately fund K-12 and higher education. He wants to continue with AB32 and bring green jobs to California. He’s thinking about the future of California which is a very wise move.
As for his refusal to defend Prop 8, I think that is what makes him an EVEN BETTER candidate. I am highly critical of politics but I think his decision to not uphold this blatantly prejudice law was the right decision. This law is unconstitutional and is infringing on the civil rights of gay people.

Go Jerry!

Adethro Report As Abusive

Whitman really does believe that she will be the CEO of California – she’ll just order the legislature to do as she pleases and it will be done. Apparently about half the public shares her fantasy.

Nerau Report As Abusive

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